Hello Daddy,
It's me, Ali.
Tomorrow I will be seven years old. I wish you were here with me in my birthday party. I invited all my friends from second grade to come over and celebrate with me. Mommy's making a piñata and she ordered a superman birthday cake. I told her I wanted a superman cake because he's a superhero like you. I can't wait to open the presents, and hit the piñata filled with candy, and eat the cake and sweets with my friends.
I'm so happy I'm growing up, because when I grow up, I will fight the bad guys who hurt you. Mommy told me you were so strong and you saved your friends and beat up the bad people but they hurt you really bad and you can't come back. I know you're not going to be around for a long time, but I'm waiting until I grow really old so I can see you again.
I miss you so much. But I'm a big boy now, so I don't cry like babies any more. I cried just a little, when the kids at school said you died in the war, but they don't know that heroes don't die. They don't know that you're just waiting for us in heaven.
I asked mommy if you put on a cape when you fought the evil guys. She told me your cape was the flag. I told her I wanted a flag cape for my birthday. I don't know why she cried then. I hear her cry sometimes in her room, but I tell her she should be proud of you. I tell her you're just waiting for her too.
After you were gone, we were on TV. Mommy cried again when the president gave her your sparkly medal. I was happy for you and I wanted to try it on because it means you're a real hero and now the whole wide world knows you are.
I love my country, daddy. I want to keep it safe from the bad guys like you did. I want to be a superhero like you.
I put your photo next to my bed so I can tell you goodnight before I sleep. I will put this letter under my pillow and give it to you when I see you in my dream.
I love you, daddy. You'll always be my superman. See you in heaven.
Your son
* This little thing is dedicated to all the superheroes who died to defend their countries and make the world a better and safer place.
Thank you! :)
** this piece is written for the contest by @writers365
Please Check their account everyone. It's really cool! Contests are much better with more contestants, you know ;)

One Shots & Contest Entries
Historia CortaJust my attempts at being an active Wattpad citizen :D *My contest entries*