Sleep tight, sweetheart close your eyes
Mama's staying right here by your side
Sleep, my darling, don't fear the rain
Papa's coming home in an aeroplane
Sleep my dear, the bell goes ding-dong
Sister's right here to sing you a song
Sleep, honey pie, stay in your bed
Brother's in the kitchen baking bread
Sleep little pumpkin be a good boy
Aunty's on the way to give you a toy
Sleep well, munchkin, leave the door ajar
Uncle's on the road driving his car
Sleep, my angel, a noise don't make
Grandma's at the store to get you a cake
Sleep, my child, on a pillow of silk
Grandpa's in the barn to get your milk
Goodnight baby, sleep in bliss
Everyone's here now to give you a kiss
Winner of PoetsPub August Contest - Just For Fun
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One Shots & Contest Entries
Short StoryJust my attempts at being an active Wattpad citizen :D *My contest entries*