Chapter 5:

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Tay Tay inna MM😢💙

Mila POV

I woke up, and my eyes was all red, and puffy. I felt better that I let all that out. I signed, and sat up. I forgot I wasn't in my room. After me, and Jhene talk I fell asleep. I got up, and walked over to the window with pillows, and stuff on it. I sat in it, and looked out the window. I still remembered his smile every time we talked to each other. (Look Below)

I remember his facial expression, every time we would talk about serious stuff

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I remember his facial expression, every time we would talk about serious stuff. (Look Below)

I remember everything

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I remember everything. I remember the special park me, and him used to go to when we're bored. I looked back over at Aug who was smoking a blunt. (Look Below)

I swear I find it so intertaining how he smokes

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I swear I find it so intertaining how he smokes. I kept looking at him, then lit another blunt, and sat right in front of him I kept looking at him then I copied him. The smoke was just flowing out. I liked the feeling of it. Very relaxing. I opened my eyes, and Aug was lookin at me smirking.

Mila: What I just copied you. 

Aug:*lightly chuckles* I see. How ya feel.

Mila: Better. Hate crying ain't ma thang, I said shaking ma head, and putting the blunt out.

Aug: I see. It ain't ma' thang eitha.

I nodded. I've been thinking. Why, and the hell do Aug care about me so much. I just looked at him with my eyes squinted. He would randomly kiss me, and loves picking me up. To be honest wit y'all, ion think I'm that cute. I mean..I'm decent but yeh. Ion know why he like me💯. Ok yeah we got stuff in common he really want somebody like me. I can be a hand full. Like Drew said I'm hard headed, and I wont denie it. To be honest....I think im bad for him💯. I then looked back at him. He needs to stay away from me. I stood up quickly, bagging up from him. I rubbed my hands on my pants because, they got sweaty. I looked at him.

Mila: Y-You need to go.

Aug:*looks confused* What?

Mila: Bye. You need to leave, I said sternly.

Aug: Why?

Mila: Leave.

He still just sat there.

Mila: BYEE!!!!

He looked at me, and got up. He looked mad. He slipped his shoes on, and grabbed his bucket hat. He looked at me, then left. A few seconds later, I heard the front door slam shut witch caused me to jump. I rubbed my hands over my face. I slowly walked downstairs. Everyone stopped talking, and looked at me. I just continued to go to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of he Hennessey, and opened it. I drank it straight from the bottle. I shook my head with a smirk on my face. Then Kae came in the Kitchen. Her eye got wide.

Kae:*eyes gets big* Hood....gimmie that bottle.

Mila: Get the fuck out Kae, I said rubbing my forehead.

I walked past her, but she was still trailing behind me.

Kae: HOOD gimmie got damn bottle.

I looked back at her.


I yelled at her, and went up to my room. I closed, and locked my door. I turned on The Weeknd - Rolling Stone. I put it on repeat, then sat up against the wall taking big gulps of the Hennessey ignoring the burning. Ever since Tay died I felt like I'm no good for no boy because, Tay would always tell me if they're good or not. Most of them wasn't. It was only like 2 that was. Now I think August isn't good for me. Its like I'm bad for him or sum. Ion think he can handle me. I took another 3 big gulps, feeling the liquor take over. I leaned my head up against the wall, slowly closing my eyes. Felt like I was gonna pass out. A few seconds later, that's exactually what happened.

August pov

I was in ma' house, back up again da' wall, listening ta music, and drinking a big bottle of Patron. Ion know what's wrong wit Hood, but it offended me. Kae tried callin meh, and Jhene. I didn't anwser. Ion know why I'm so down. Ion know why she got like dat, outrage know wea'. I think I like Hood, I DONT FUCKIN KNOW!! My action speak for me. Ion know what I was doin when I hold ha, or kiss ha. Fuck dis. I set da bottle down. Not finna be drink. We all gotta go ta dat show tomorrow. I was looking forward to it but now....not really. I cut off the music, and went ta ma room. I flopped down inna bed. Felt weird asf because, I'm used to sleeping wit Hood. I signed, and rubbed my face. I then closed my eyes, and tried to get some sleep. Most likely wearing my dark glasses tomorrow.


Mila was thinking bout Tay.

Mila don't think she good fa Aug.

Mila started drinking.

Aug also started drinking.

Stay tuned.

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