Your Obedient Servant

72 13 2

You little assholes post a form of art, whether it be literature, drawing pieces, music, animation, etc. online for the



to see,,

and you're telling me that you don't 'need' critiques?

It really peeves me when someone, or myself, commentates some feedback/constructive criticism on a piece and the person fucking flips out because they don't want to hear bullshit.

You're kidding, right?

I get this one kid flipping his shit because he

"doesn't need my negativity in his comfort zone".


like,, hold up       hold up,

Ya' know what a critique is... right?

A critique is where you point out what's WRONG with the picture.

A critique is meant to be negative. It's meant to help you.

Help you improve.

How are you gonna get better if we're just pointing out what we like and what's right?

We point out what's wrong so you can fix it, and so it can be flawless.

And may I say with full impassiveness,

I have the honor to be

Your Obedient Servant.

((yes yes i did become a hamilton dumpster))

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