Chapter 5 - Aerial Outbreak

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Jack awoke with a startle as the seatbelt sign dinged to life. There was a bit of turbulence as the entire cabin shook. However, as Jack rubbed his eyes and glanced around the cabin, the turbulence ceased. Jack turned to see that Aiden was gone, he probably went to use the bathroom or something, so Jack didn't think much of it.

"Dude!" A voice in front of him whispered. It was his friend, David. He was sitting in front of him and had peeked his head over his seat. David was always the lucky type, for example he got to sit next to his crush, Amy, who was asleep next to him, while Jack was stuck with his parasyte of a brother.

"What is it?" Jack asked quietly, matching David's tone of voice as many people in the cabin were asleep, including the old man next to him.

"You're finally awake, you need to see this!" David said with his slight Irish accent. He shoved his cell phone into Jack's face, showing a Daily Mail article.

"What the hell?" Jack asked, dumbfounded.

"You actually paid for in-flight wifi? This is only a two-hour flight!"

"Yeah, nevermind that, just read the article. Freaky shit right?" David said with a shrug.

Jack simply rolled his eyes before turning his attention to the article.


Jack scanned the article, something about a rabies mutation spreading in Indonesia, it had apparently spread to many countries around the world from flights leaving the country before a national quarantine contained infected individuals. Now, many airports around the world are closing to prevent the spread to other nations.

"Your right, that is freaky." Jack said, it was what he feared most: The fear of the unknown. The article read that nobody knew entirely what this mutation was as nobody can get their hands on an infected individual. Suddenly, for the first time in a while, he felt nervous for Aiden, that he wasn't within his sight.


William was walking down the aisle of the  fourth cabin, showing the video he had recorded to all the students inside. He moved to three boys that were in year 12, the same year as Aiden's "looser older brother". William was sure they were named Mike, Charlie and Sun.

William giggled as he brought up his phone to show the three boys the video.

"You won't believe it, but I recorded the whole thing!" He said with a devious smirk. Mike simply rolled his eyes.

"It's a bit mean don't you think? What if something's wrong with the man inside?" Charlie asked. William rolled his eyes back at him. Charlie took English HL, lots of feminist and gender studies stuff in there, not his type of shit.

"God, you take everything so seriously." William rolled his eyes as he returned to his seat. Leaving the three boys to themselves.

After William sat down, the curtains behind him burst open as Fiona stumbled through them. The man in the lavatory was on her shoulders and clinging onto her body, his fingers grasped tightly onto her blue Kebaya. Fiona tried to cry for help, but all that came out were some strangled cries of pain. She was pushing against the man, trying to get him off her shoulders. However, the man wouldn't budge and he remained sinking his teeth into her neck even snarling like an animal at times.

It took some time for people to realize what was going on, so many were asleep or distracted by various devices that they didn't even notice. Those who noticed mainly just started, being unsure what to do. Fiona glanced around the plane and noticed nobody was helping her, her face softened up from pain into blankness as she collapsed onto the floor, her body spazzing out as drool oozed out between her lips.

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