I hate you, I love you - part 1

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Imagine that you were down in the Engineering section helping Montgomery Scott fix a malfunctioning computer device.

Everything was tranquil, nothing could go wrong. The only things that could be heard were Scottie's and your breath and the instructions that he was giving you now and then. You could just say that it was a pretty normal day.

Little did you know that this day could change some things in your life forever.

Captain Kirk demanded you, Commander Spock and the Chief Medical Officer Leonard McCoy to go to the bridge. A small frown appeared on your face. Why in the world did the Captain want you in the bridge? Was it something you did?

Montgomery's reassuring grip brought you back to reality. You looked at him and smiled faintly.

"Everything is going to be great, lassie! The Captain might have a little something special for ya! " Scottie told you reassuringly with a smile that always made you feel better instantly.

You nodded softly and after he gave your shoulder a light squeeze, you stood up from your chair and left the Engineering section in a hurry, wanting to reach your destination quickly.

You walked down the long lanes of the starship hastily, with your heart beating fastly in your chest and with your head being heavy from all the thoughts passing by inside it. It was just the fact that Kirk had never asked you in the bridge before, resulting you to feel extremely stressed without a specific reason. Let's do not forget that the reason that he wanted you to the bridge was completely unknown to you.

Absorbed by your thoughts, you bumped into someone and instantly fell on the floor.

"Watch it dammit!" You heard the man say, his voice sounding very familiar to you.

You slowly got up and fixed your clothes, before tilting your head upwards in order to face the man in front of you. Once you did, you saw that the man whom you bumped into was the one and only Leonard McCoy. You felt your cheeks burning and butterflies began dancing in your stomach by the time you started examining the doctor.

He was a very attractive man indeed. Slim, tall, sturdy... His electric blue Starfleet shirt was being a little bit tight, making you see all the muscles underneath the shirt. That made you feel even hotter and embarrassed at the same time, so all was to clear your throat and give Leonard a proper apology.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean too -"

"Well, you better be sorry! You can't just bump into people like that! Aren't you aware of your surroundings?" Leonard snapped rather rudely, not letting you finish your apology.

"Look, I was just a bit stressed and couldn't concentrate, considering the fact that the Captain has called me to the bridge!" You said pouting your lips and folding your arms around yourself irritated by his behavior. You just couldn't believe his outburst, especially to a person that he hadn't ever heard of or met before. 

"So, you are the girl that Kirk called out, aren't you? Well, I guess you're coming with me then... I mean, since you don't seem to concentrate well enough..." Leonard teased once again.

You just rolled your eyes and nodded, before following him in silence to the bridge.

Once the both of you reached the doors of the room, Leonard stopped and turned to face you.

"No need to feel stressed about nothing, girl. Kirk is usually the one to make the first move. Oh, and please do me a favor and do not faint when you see him." Leonard commented sarcastically on your current condition, something that made you more irritated than before and instantly dislike him.

Let's just say you hated it when guys treated you rudely, especially when you did not deserve to be treated like that. After all, you had tried to approach him very kindly by giving him a proper apology. 

But before you could answer him, he snorted and entered the bridge, making you follow him into the bridge, just by cursing under your breath.

"Why, I hate you already!" You cursed under your breath, but the room was so silent that everyone in it, including McCoy, heard you and turned to face you.

"What?" He said in a whisper, with a frown playing in his eyebrows.

"I said that I hate you already!" You repeated more confidently this time.

When you did so, you heard the Captain leaving a surprised whistle and saw the Commander raise his eyebrow and mumble "Fascinating!". There was a few seconds' silence before anyone said or did anything, making the atmosphere even heavier than before.

Then, Leonard approached you and now you were standing face to face, your faces an inch apart. Not to mention that that way you had a closer view of his plump lips and dark brown eyes that really did make you melt and lose yourself inside them. They even looked softer now than two minutes ago, because of what you said probably.

"Why?" You heard him whisper kind of painfully, but before you could even answer, Kirk cleared his throat and started talking, interrupting the two of you.

"Well,  I'm sure the three of you are wondering why I called you to come here. And especially you, Y/N!" Kirk started saying and you just nodded politely.

"Good. As you know, in the next few minutes, we will be landing to Pandora. Pandora is a planet that we are quite familiar with, as we encountered its citizens in one of our past missions." Kirk continued his little speech, only to be interrupted by his Commander.

"And what do the Na'vi need this time, may I ask?"

"Well, Mr. Spock, I am afraid that human beings have invaded their planet, and they seem to be using some sort of gadgets, and oh yes, they do seem to be dangerous for Pandora's future. And that's why I need you to take Y/N with you, you know since she is an engineer..." the Captain said and looked at everyone with hope shining in his eyes.

"So, what do you say?" He asked a few seconds later.

"Sure." You reply while the two men nod positively. 

"Great. We are landing in Pandora in fifteen minutes. Spock, Y/N, you are dismissed. Bones, I need you to stay a bit longer." He said and the Commander and you got off the bridge in order to go to your quarters.

Thing is, you just couldn't stop thinking about Bones. His strong structure, his tranquil face, his sudden temper tantrums and of course the way he looked at you when he whispered that question. Maybe, although you did not want to admit, you were feeling something for the Doctor. And that something was not hatred and you knew it. It was curiosity mixed with something new to you.

Soon enough, Spock's voice brought you back to Earth.

"So, a miss is anything wrong going on with you and the Doctor or...?" He asked in a stoic voice.

"I don't know, Spock...and please call me Y/N! You don't need to be formal around me..."You responded.

"Want to talk about it?" Spock asked again once more, while his cheeks and the tips of his pointy ears flushed in a deep shade of green.

"Well... It is a complicated story, but I guess it's worth the try! " you told him with a little smile and started explaining what was going on.

Author's note

Hey, there fella Trekkies! So, here is the first part of this image. I had a great time writing and it would be really great if you liked it too.

¤Tell  me your opinions and/or your ideas about the next parts coming up.

¤Give this chapter a little, shiny star if you liked it.

¤Any requests are open.

Thank you!! Bye Bye😊


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