I hate you, I love you - part 3

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Leonard's point of view

Without doing or saying anything else, I followed my fellow partners to the Chief's bungalow. I kept my distance from them, of course, as guilt was building up inside my chest because of the awful tantrums of mine. Great! Now, I had to avoid as much as I could both Spock and YN.

On the other hand, I wanted to have some peace of mind... I mean, do what I had to do in order to help the team complete the mission and then stay all by myself and have some time with myself, all alone thinking of how my life could be better from now on. After the divorce my ex-wife had asked for, my life was a mess. I turned into a sarcastic, grumpy, miserable man that spent most of his time working or being alone. Of course, I made friends on the Enterprise but none of them was able to understand the empty hole in my heart that was only getting bigger and more painful day by day. The Enterprise might have been providing me with all the things and luxuries I wanted but something even more important than the slightest wish of mine waiting to be granted was missing. It was not a thing or a luxury or a wish waiting to be granted. It was something beyond all those stuff. It was something difficult to reach, something difficult to obtain. Love. A soulmate. A person to love and to care for. 

Things got more complicated now that the girl I seemed to be attracted by was so close to me but that far away at the same time. It felt like hell knowing that I could approach her differently and prevent the hatred and dislike she was definitely feeling about me at that time. She was now a challenge so hard for me to accept, so hard for me to approach since I messed up big time. If I wanted to make things better for me and the girl, I had to act manly and give the best version of me. Doing this would be a great challenge but in order to give us another chance, I knew I had to give my whole heart and soul. As for now, I had to follow my partners inside the little wooden bungalow.

And so did I. I entered the bungalow and gasped as I saw the most beautiful home I had ever seen in my whole life. Furniture made out of wood being decorated with such detailed but elegant at the same time patterns, pieces of cloth that covered some of the furniture here and there made out of leather or even from a very thin and very carefully cut leaf pieces... But the most beautiful thing that made the bungalow stand out was the way that the Chief had chosen to light the house up; several jars were placed here and there that contained many firefly-like shaped little floating bullets with a bluish color. It definitely was one of the best-decorated homes I had ever been into.

Unfortunately, I was not there to admire my surroundings but to help the Na'vi with what was bothering them. Well, help the others with our mission as I was just a doctor. I mean come on, I was able to help only when someone was injured, that's what I was trained to do; heal the injured. Spock and YN knew more and would be more useful than me, I was pretty sure about it. My heart sunk once more and a wave of uneasiness hit my whole body. I tried to conceal it, though, and keep my focus on the Chief, but I couldn't.

Inhaling deeply and rolling my eyes in disappointment, without interrupting my partners or the Chief, I slowly exited the bungalow and once I did,  I exhaled and let my tears roll down my cheeks once more. I was hopeless.

Your point of view

Everything seemed so tranquil and wonderful at first. Spock and I would hear the old lady in front of us explain what the problem was and why the people of Pandora felt that somehow it would cause the end of their world.

She told us that flying disks had invaded the planet of Pandora, from which people like us came out and started snooping around their planet curiously. Their intentions were not good and she was feeling it.

I frowned and stared at the navy blue-skinned woman in front of me. What on Earth would humans have wanted from that planet and what were their motives? We had lots of work and research to do, in order to find the causes of the human intruders. Lots of danger straight ahead, too. We needed to be careful.

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