A Game of Thrones

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"This is it!" Montgomery Scott yelled excitedly. His face had now turned red and his heart was racing. "I finally made it! Oh, I have to tell Jim!"

Montgomery left the Engineering section hastily and did his best to arrive at the Bridge on time. Many thoughts were filling up his head all the way down the room. 'Will it work properly?' 'Is it a good idea to test it on people of this crew?' 'What if my invention is a failure?'

"Well, there's only one way to find out!"

In a couple of minutes, Montgomery was in the Bridge giving all the details of the time machine he had manage to build and the plan he had in mind.

"And all you want is a bunch of people to try that machinery of yours out?" Kirk asked one more time.

"Aye, Captain!" the red shirted lad replied rather excitedly.

"And what if something goes wrong? What if we can't fix the mistake on time?" Kirk asked now in worry.

He did trust every member of his crew wholeheartedly, but after all these years, he stopped wanting to do anything that would cost his crew members' life because of some stupid desicion he took. As the years went by, James had turned to a responsible and mature Captain, whose purpose was just to protect other civilizations in the galaxies along with his crew and not to put everyone in danger.

"That's why we need to try this out, Captain! If there's a problem about sending a party through that time machine, well all I have to say is that I am definitely goin'! It was my idea, after all!"

"Well, I'm with Scotty. I'd love to see where this is going to lead..." you interfered and stood by Montgomery's side. "We may make something useful out of this! And, to be honest, I've been craving some adventure for quite some time!!" your hand landed on Scotty's shoulder and gripped it firmly as to make him feel a bit better.

"This could be dangerous, YN, for fuck's sake! We already are putting ourselves in danger every day with our mission, we don't need to face danger because of stupidity..." McCoy shouted extremely annoyed by the whole thing.

A couple of quizzical glances were exchanged between you and the Captain. You really wanted to accompany Scott in this kind of adventure and the fact that James was not convinced yet would make your heart drop to your stomach. There was something shining in your Captain's mesmerising, ocean blue eyes, something that was making them glow all the time several years ago, when he was much younger and andrenaline and fire were running down his veins instead of blood. Kirk's passion for adventure was definitely kicking in and you could see it. It was pretty obvious after all. Your Captain was making a huge effort to act logically and was trying not to be carried away by his passion.

"Captain, if I may state my opinion as well, this time machine seems to be the perfect opportunity for us to explore the land we are going to be beamed to. This may be out chance to make something important." Commander Spock reported as he clasped his hands behind his back.

Your mouth opened in shock as you did not expect Spock to defend you. It was one of the rarest things for him to do, for he was the one to always follow the logical and safe options to each mission.

"C'mon James, even the Commander is on our side! Please, Captain, please give my time machine a chance!" Scott pleaded placing his hand at his chest, just over the place where his heart was supposed to be. His heart was racing and he felt like having another anxiety attack.

Scotty was not the one who liked to be in trouble or to disappoint people around him and especially his Captain. He was rather sensitive about things like that and he could not help it.

Kirk frowned. He really felt like he was being on a very difficult position. On one hand he was overwhelmed by the fact that someone from his crew was about to finally drag him into real adventure after so long. On the other hand, he gave a promise to himself once and that was to keep his crew, his family well protected and safe. He gave everyone an unsure look ; first McCoy, then Spock, you and Scotty. Poor guy, he really seemed to want to hear his Captain's approval... James gave Spock another look to which the Commander responded with a reassuring nod.

"Very well, then... we will try your time machine... under one condition : everyone plays with my rules and follows my lead!"
The fire was burning in his eyes for the first time after years... It sure gave you the chills...

"Aye Captain..." everyone said in unison and Montgomery showed you the way down to the Engineering department where the time machine was resting.

In the blink of an eye you found yourselves right in front of the machine. It truly was majestic.

"So, all I want you to do now that I've turned this thingy on is to enter it one by one carefully and try to get to the other side. I'll be the last one to enter!"

Each member of the crew did as the Engineer said. Everyone entered the machine and tried to reach the other side. Everything seemed to go as planned at first. None of you had talked about a specific time period, so time was not a problem.

"Mind your head, please! We're about to land!" Scott remarked rather loudly for everyone to hear him.

He was right. A couple of seconds later, you all landed to somewhere you've never seen before. A huge castle was built nearby and people - probably its inhabitants - were walking around in fancy clothes, dresses and armor.

"Scotty... were are we? " Leonard panicked.

"I-I-I don't really know Bones... but I think we'll make it through..."

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