The first day

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My first lecture was at eight o'clock. It was half past seven and I was already on my way. But of course I was early, it was the first day afterall. I didn't want to grab attention. Even the tiniest bit of it. I planned on being 'the invisible girl' this year, you know just lay low and do me.

Many more people where early today too. You could hardly walk a safe distance away from people because they were just everywhere, All in a frenzy to go to their first class of the year
I could see freshers like me panicking and confused and asking people for directions to their first lecture, those who got a straight answer without being teased first or flirted with were lucky, because it looked like only mean jerks got up early this morning just to annoy the poor freshers.
I thanked my parents for taking the tour with me. Because of them I knew where all the lecture halls in my timetable were. I didn't have to grab unecessary attention.

It was a chilly morning so I had my jacket wrapped tightly around my waist and my beanie pulled down to just above my eyebrows, although that had little to do the with the cold and more to do with that I didn't want to be seen.

I was now approaching f6 lecture hall and also picking up pace. I was tired of feeling like a needed to make way for everyone else, i just longed to be in that room right away. The only thing standing between me and the lecture hall was a flight of stairs in the back entrance. The front entrance was less energy-draining and I could have just used it. But since the time was now seven minutes to eight, I figured that wouldn't be a bright idea for someone who wanted to attract no attention. So I was unquestionably going to use the stairs.

Little did I know that it would be the worst decision I've ever made.

Just as i placed my foot on the last stair, my breathe of relief to see the big writing 'f6' written in front of me was interrupted by the last thing I wanted anywhere near me. A guy.

"Darling. There you are." He smiled before leaning in and Giving me a hug.
I breathed out, because of shock though, and opened my mouth to protest but he beat me to it.

"I hope you did not forget. Did you? Oh no you forget babe."

I wanted to ask what he was talking about, but again I he beat me to it. And that was when I gave up on trying to respond. I figured he wasn't going to let me answer anything so I just stood there with my eyes shuffling from him to the ground and to huge door of f6 where I just wished I was.

"I told you I was going to introduce you to my friends. But its fine hunny, I know you are going to class. F6 right ?"

For some reasons i bobbed my head up down and he said "great please use this entrance after class okay? I'll be waiting. Hopefully you'll have one hour free after this one. Okay now go. Enjoy your first class"

I walked slowly to f6 trying to decipher what just happened.

Really? When you want to be invisible, you get the opposite.
Back at high school I'd wanted to be seen but that seldom happened. Now I want to stay as far as possible from this species of homo sapiens but the opposite happens.

I sat at the very back of the class since it was already crowded when I got there, thanks to my newly found 'babe'.

The lecture or rather the introduction of the lecture passed quickly.

Mrs Baltimore our tourism 115 lecturer was a middle age woman with spectacles and slick black hair. I pictured she'd be ten times more beautiful if she had tanned skin as opposed to her pale-almost-pink skin. She was beautiful either ways.
She was those kinds of woman who demanded respect just by looking at them, a quality I wish I had, and so her lecture was nothing less than exciting. She just had that thing that made you to keep your attention at her at all times. I really couldn't pin it down but I knew she was going to be one of my favourite lecturers if I were to have any. Her passion for teaching and most of all her love for touring reminded me why I'm here and I was already feeling good about this year.

I grabbed my bag and pushed my chair back and got ready to go but in my steps I froze as the thoughts of what happened before I class flashed in my mind.

If I use the back entrance, I'm surely going to meet that guy again. And I really don't want that to happen.

Stupid guy. He thought I'd just bring myself to him like that?

I made an evil grin as i started to walk down the steps to the front entrance.

I said I want no drama. No-one is going to change that for me!

I walked out of the front door with a smile on my face. I did not have a class for the next two hours so I decided I'd go to the cafeteria, grab a snack and go sit under the tree and just enjoy my surroundings. The flowers, trees, birds. It'd be so peaceful.
Atleast if not a lot of peoples are having the same thoughts as mine.
But from experience, what I find fun just happens to be a bore to most people so I needn't worry.

"Hey. I'm sorry I'm late. We had an urgent meeting" they guy I saw earlier and was now avoiding said with a sunny attitude and the brightest smile I have every seen.

Can't  I just have one amazing drama free day?

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