the three

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The Three

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The Three.

It's been so long since I felt being loved and cared for by somebody. All I remember is watching the people around me change and somewhere inside me, I felt terrified of what they might do that would make them regret about it in the end.

Just when I was about to lose hope, I met two children.

They decided to hang around with me. I found it weird because out of all the choices they had, they picked me and I felt honored.

They would run around chasing each other and play other games before the boy would take a nap on the girl's lap or maybe the girl would rest her head on his shoulder but...

Those were the fun times.

Eventually, the boy had this terrible sickness and it had no cure. He wanted to have his final moments with the girl and me.

I could still remember her crying when he died in her arms but I saw how the boy greeted death with a smile.

Despite the haunting memory of his death, she never left me. She would lean on me instead and read stories out loud like she was telling them to the boy and to me.

But all of a sudden, she too disappeared and I was left alone once again.

All that was left from them which was pretty noticeable was the painting they gave me. It was the only thing I clung onto, the fragment of hope that one day I will reunite with them once again.

But the people around me changed for the worse.

I saw them murder my friends one by one and like them, I was unable to do anything to protect or fight back.

It's just how we were.

Helpless against the people who were are protecting yet they never appreciate what we do for them.

I could remember how I awaited for the last day I have in Earth and how the girl, after many years, returned to rescue me.

In our short reunion, I could remember her apologizing for leaving me while her hands brushed against the painting the two of them gave me.

But my Grim Reaper arrived and it was her father.

I could hear her pleading at her father to spare me because she too knows he'll come to regret his decision but right in front of me, he killed his daughter without a second thought before he also took my life away.

Here I am now in a better place, the three of us reunited. They slept peacefully next to me while I watch in the distance, capturing a glimpse of the curse that followed my death and the death of my friends.

Killing us brought the wrath of my mother. My mother was never like this but people pushed us to the limits and I think this is what they deserved.




If you don't to face my mother's anger, I would suggest that you should never try to wipe my friends' existence and mine.

The flood of my mother's anger is caused when you chose to erase me...

The Tree.

. . .

Still mad at the people who cut down the trees +_+ Sure there's some advantages there but still... it only makes the place hotter and worsens the current state of Earth. ._. 

To those who are going to illegally cut trees, remember this: Even Mother Earth has the word 'revenge' in her dictionary.

I like the pun and the despair here though +U+

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