The holiday break was fast approaching and everyone was eager to go home, except Scorpius. He has only received one letter this semester. It was from his grandfather, Lucius, and it mentioned how happy he was that the Malfoy name had gained yet another Slytherin. He wasn't looking forward to telling him that he didn't get put in Slytherin. And that he was secretly grateful that he was placed in Ravenclaw instead.
Rose couldn't believe over half of the year was already over. She had exceeded in all her classes and was the best in every single one of them. Rose obtained spells that took others weeks to learn in an instant. Her popularity of being related to the members of The Golden Trio only grew with time despite what James had promised. One of the reasons Rose was happy to be going home was that she could go back to her normal life. And she truly missed her family.
One afternoon Rose was leaving her last class, heading toward the library, with her books held close to her chest. She wanted to start on her essay as soon as possible. Rose entered the library not a moment later, and searched for an empty table. As much as she loved being around her family and friends, she preferred to study alone. The boys were too loud and the girls only seem to chat about the boys being too loud. She was able to find a table that only had one person at it. Assuming this was the best she could do, Rose walked up to the table. The person didn't notice her at first since he was writing rapidly on a piece of scroll.
"Mind if I sit?" Rose asked. The person turned to face her, revealing their face. Scorpius Malfoy.
He looked at her for a moment. "You want to sit by me?"
"Considering that's what I just asked, yes." Rose resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
"Okay. I'm just surprised given our family history." He continued.
Rose raised her brows. "Family history?"
Scorpius nodded. "I'm a Malfoy, you're a Weasley-"
"Granger-Weasley," She corrected.
"No matter. Our families don't have a good history together. I half assumed you'd avoid me once you realized who I was."
Rose considered this. She wasn't too familiar with the feud between the Weasleys and the Malfoys but she has heard her father mention it a few times.
Rose shrugged her shoulders. "Like you said, it's history and that's where it should stay. In the past. Now mind scooting over? You're taking up most of the table."
Scorpius smiled as he made room for her things. For the first time in an entire semester someone didn't judge him by his family name. And for the first time, Scorpius felt just like everyone else.
The two sat quietly. Both working on an their essay, Rose giving Scorpius a few pointers on his every now and then. Eventually they finished their essays and found themselves talking to one another. Despite their family history, Rose and Scorpius had a lot in common. They talked and talked and talked until it was time for dinner. Both leaving the library together in a good mood. They even went the extra mile by sitting together at the same table. This earned them many stares but neither of them cared.
● ● ●
The ride back on the train was a long one. Rose found herself sitting in the same compartment as Scorpius. They were both reading a book, neither of them speaking. Albus comes in, back from his time hunting down the lady who sells candy, and takes a seat by Rose.
"Want some?" Albus shoved a hand full of candy in Rose's face.
Rose blinked twice before pushing his hand back so that she could get a better look at the candy. She decided on a box of Bertie Botts Beans.

Everything Forbidden
Fanfiction||A Scorpius & Rose love story|| Much like Romeo and Juliet, Rose and Scorpius come from opposite ends of the social chain. Both of them inherited contrasting backgrounds. Rose was Weasley, Scorpius was a Malfoy. The history between the two names a...