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Rose awoke bright and early in the morning. It's not like she could get much sleep, anyway. Today was the day that she would be going to Hogwarts and the excitement from that alone kept her awake most of the night. Rose had her trunk packed two days before her leaving day. She was ready. Now all she had to do was wait until her parents woke up.

Rose snuggled herself back into the covers. At least she could stay in bed until she heard commotion. Going to Hogwarts was something Rose looked forward too ever since her parents told her about it. Her excitement for the school grew each time one of her older cousins came back for the holidays and summer breaks. Now it was her turn. She was even most happy to be starting with Albus. Being born only five days a part, Rose and Albus were closer than two peas in a pod. They always hung out together at family gatherings, talking about everything and anything.

Footsteps in the background made Rose turn her head toward the door. It wasn't long before she heard the floor creek down the hallway. This only indicated that her mother was finally up and out of bed. Practically bouncing out of bed, Rose flew down the steps and into the kitchen to find her mother busy away at the stove while Hugo waited patiently for breakfast.

"Morning, Rose." Hermione said without turning around.

"Morning. Is dad up?" Rose asks.

"Considering he was still snoring when I left, no." Hermione replied, flipping over a strip of bacon."

Rose noticed that her mother wasn't using magic to cook breakfast.

"No magic." Rose observed. "Why?"

Hermione shrugged, scooping scrabbled eggs onto three plates along with bacon and toast. "Somethings are just more enjoyable to do by yourself." Then, with the whisk of her wand, Hermione watched as the plates floated into the air and onto the table in their designated spots. "But not all things."

Rose smiled as she approached the table, taking a seat in her chair. Hugo was always digging away in his breakfast.

"Don't take your time," Hermione directed before leaving the room. Remembering something Hermione came back into the kitchen. "And Rose, no more making your bacon dance, okay?"

Rose just shrugged innocently knowing all to well what her mother was talking about. Hermione raised a brow before leaving for upstairs. Walking down the hallway Hermione made her way into her bedroom in no time. Just like she predicted, Ron was still bundled up in the covers snoring his life away. Looking over to the right, Hermione let a sigh of relief when she saw that the time read nine-fifteen. They still had a couple of hours before they needed to leave. Hermione gently crawled into bed, snuggling into his side. Ron stirred a bit at her movements before lazily draping an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Hermione kissed his neck, causing a little smile to form of his lips.

"Ron. You need to wake up." Hermione traces her finger in circular motions on his bare chest.

"Mmm," Ron mumbles. "Why?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Because we'll be leaving for the train station in around two hours."

With his eyes still closed, Ron replied. "How old am I?"

"Thirty-five. Why?" Hermione furrowed her brows together, confused to see how this topic was relevant.

"And how old are you?" Ron ignored her question.

Hermione sighed. "I'm the same age but just a month or two older."

Finally Ron opened up his eyes. "How is it that we have two beautiful children and one already ready to be sent off to Hogwarts?"

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