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Rose was huddled up with her friends when the train came to a smooth stop and blew its whistle loud, signaling its passengers that it was time to depart. Rose jump up from her seat and gathered her things before making her way off the train, along with her friends. Within minutes all the students had departed from train and made their way toward the carriage. As they approached the carriage, Hagrid was standing there beside it as he guided the students.

He waved his giant hand at them. "Hiya Rose!"

Rose beamed. "Hagrid!" She ran over to hug the half giant. He gladly returned her embrace.

"How was yer summer?"

"It was well, thanks!" She replied.

Just then, Albus came trotting along beside her. He embraced the half giant as well. The rest of their friends and family came up with them and, waving the Hagrid goodbye, all huddled into the carriage. Before the carriage took off, another girl with bright blonde hopped into the carriage just as the carriage began to move.

Rose smiled once the girl settled in. "Running late as always. I swear you're worse than my dad, and that's saying something."

The girl laughed. "Sorry, I was with my boyfriend and we got carried away."

Albus, Cedric and Jackson snickered.

The girl flushed. "I didn't mean it like that guys. We just got caught up with talking."

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Sarah." Rose frown.

Sarah, also known as Sarah Brown, was the only child of Lavender Brown and Herald Livington, a man Lavender met during work. Despite the Brown and Weasley's awkward history, their children became quite good friends over the last three years at Hogwarts. Sarah was in the same dorm as Rose, along with Piper and Nora. They all become very close during the first year and continued their friendship through the rest.

"It happened over the summer, I haven't told anyone yet. I wanted to wait until I got back." Sarah admitted, sheepishly, then added, "Surprise, I got a boyfriend!"

Piper and Nora squeal in excitement. Rose, however, looked hurt that Sarah would keep such vital information from her for an entire summer.

"Do we know him?" Nora asked.

"What does he look like?" Amber added.

At this, Sarah got quiet and looked away. "You'll meet him soon enough."

"Fair enough." Piper nods, then claps her hands together. "Speaking of boyfriends, I have an announcement to make!"

Everyone looks over at Piper. Jackson, smiles as she continues.

"What is it?" Rose wonders.

Piper beams. "Jackson and I are officially a couple!"

Rose widens her eyes. "What? Since when?"

"Since summer!"

Rose groans. "What is with my friends and keeping their dating life from me!"

"Well, it really isn't a secret," Nora countered. "They've been obsessed with each other since first year. It was all a matter of time before they got together."

Rose couldn't disagree. "You're right. I am happy for you two."

"Thanks!" Piper smiles. "Now all we need to do is get you and Scorpius together."

Rose groans again. "Not with this again. I told you, I do not like him."

Nora giggles. "But you sure do talk an awful lot about him."

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