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"You're seriously dating Scorpius Malfoy?" Rose looks at her best friend in disbelief.

Sarah nods, a tiny smile on her lips.

The girls were all settled in their dorm, getting ready for bed. Dinner was finished and everyone was suggested to get some sleep before classes began tomorrow, but the announcement of Sarah and Scorpius were still playing fresh on the girls' minds that no one was going to sleep anytime soon.

Despite everyone being happy for her, Rose was the most uneasy about it. Why Sarah chose to keep it secret from them, Rose couldn't figure out. And she figured the only reason she kept it from them, or more specifically from Rose, was because it was Scorpius. Better known as Rose's annoying enemy at school. Still, Rose would have wanted to be in the loop. Although, out of all the boys in their grade, or in the entire school, Sarah had to pick the one boy Rose couldn't stand.

"How did it happen?" Nora asked.

"Yes!" Piper chimes in, "I want to know every detail!"

Sarah's cheeks flushed pink. "Okay. Well, I ran into him at the Three Broomsticks around the beginning of summer. My mum said I could go there and have some time to myself since everything has been super crazy now that the baby is born."

Rose nodded along. Of course. Ever since Sarah's baby brother was born she hasn't had any time to read or do anything for herself for that matter. And much like Rose, reading was essential to Sarah's day to day life. It was one of the main reasons the two became such good friends to begin with. The only reason Rose knew that was because Sarah told her about it. She didn't find out about it three months later.

Huffing out a sigh, Rose sank further into her bed as Sarah continues with her story.

"I had just order myself a butterbeer and the doors to the pub opened. Sure enough it was Scorpius who had walked in, book in hand. He spotted me and said he recognized me from school." Sarah smiles.

Nora and Piper sighed dreamily. Rose, however, looked more annoyed than anything else.

"Please continue," Nora urges her to continue.

At this, Sarah giggles. "He asked if He could join me and I obviously said yes. At first, we just sat there together both reading our own books. Then we started talking about life and what-nots. We ended spending the entire day together. We had such a good time that he asked to hangout again the next day, which turned into seeing him for an entire week. After that, he admitted that he had this huge crush on me and wanted to ask me out. We went on a date and kissed. The end!"

Piper squealed and Nora giggled. But Rose did nothing. Sarah noticed this.

"What's wrong, Rose?"

She shrugs. "I just don't see why you didn't tell us."

Sarah frowned. "I'm sorry, honestly I just got so caught up this summer I forgot."

Rose smiles a bit. "That's okay. Although, I am a little concerned. He does treat you well, does he? I, for one, know how nasty he can be."

Sarah nods. "Scorpius is the sweetest, especially since his mum died."

The girls gasped at once.

"His mum died?" Rose furrowed her brows.

"Yes, she died this summer actually. She was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Nothing the Healers could do for her. Ever since that happened his dad basically abandoned him to his own grief so he was left alone all summer." Sarah explains. "Anyway, we should get some sleep."

Piper nodded and turned off the lights.

Rose covered herself up as she thought on what Sarah just said. Scorpius's mum died? She couldn't imagine losing her mum. Not having her around anymore and having your father leave to grieve on your own. If anything were to happen to either of her parents, Rose knew she would have her entire family to lean on. But what did Scorpius have? A father who left him stranded. This broke Rose's heart and for the first time ever, Rose felt sorry for him.

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