Angel of Death

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Melissa McCall paced back and forth in the Sheriff's office.

"You see, it doesn't make sense," she said as he skimmed the hospital files. "She doesn't realize she's been missing this whole time. She doesn't remember her mother's name even. So, I'm thinking maybe amnesia, shock even?"

"How do you even know it's her?"

"Her blood type, name, and father's name couldn't be a coincidence. And look at her. She's looks exactly what Miriam and Axel's daughter would look like all grown up," she said.

"Well, what do we do now? This case had been so impossible, it's been moved to the FBI."

"Where is she going to live, first of all? We can't keep her together and I doubt she'd be up for foster system."

"Her old house still is her house. The family had payed it off and left it in the Miriam's name and they found a will signed by both Axel and Miriam that their possessions would be left as Elana's should they ever die."

"So she can stay there?" Melissa asked.

The Sheriff rubbed his head, "Yes, but she would need to be with a legal adult."

"...We still haven't told her aunt," Melissa remembered. "I'm sure Natalie wouldn't mind, after wondering where she's been all these past few years."

"We'll do that when we know how."


Elana sat on one of the table chairs, taking a bite out of pancake and drinking her milk. She had cried until she couldn't and had now sworn to find her father's murderers and bring them to justice, which would be a slap in the face and a life sentence to Azkaban.

Scott and Stiles seemed very interested in a blue file, pooling over it and studying the inside as Elana finished her breakfast.

"Hey guys?" She asked. The two looked  up, their eyes having little half moons under them and Stiles looking pale.

"First of all: did you get any sleep last night?"

"No, we were... studying," Scott answered. Elana knew he was lying, but it wasn't really her place to ask.

"Isn't it summertime?" She asked. "Second: could you drive me somewhere please?"

Stiles raised an eyebrow, "Where to?"

"Well, my... Sleeping arrangements, I guess," Elana offered.

"Okay," Stiles yawned, getting up.

"Oh good. But first?" Elana asked, watching as Scott looked up and Stiles turned around. "Eat something, would you? I don't think I have food at the house."


Elana felt the car lurch and fell forward in her seat.

"Oh, no," Stiles muttered.

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, we're leaving," Stiles said.

"Wait, no, let me out, the house is right there," Elana said.

"We can't go," Stiles said turning the car around. Elana tried the doors but they were locked.

"Why not?" She demanded, looking at the house. She noticed a car parked there.

"Lydia Martin's there," Scott told her, as Stiles tried to get the car go forward. The car lurched.

"Are you serious?" Demanded Stiles, hitting the wheel and getting out of the car and opening the hood. Scott and Elana followed.

"Who's Lydia Martin? Why is she at my house?"

"Elana, trust me, we cannot go there right now. Especially not when Lydia's there. She'll get upset," Stiles said, pulling off a piece of duct tape from the roll.

"She's Stiles's crush from the third grade. And she has yet to notice him, much less talk to him, despite the years of trying to talk to her," Scott explained, holding the hood up for Stiles.

"She sounds rude. Do you want me to beat her up?" She watched as Stiles and Scott widened their eyes and shook their heads vigorously. "I'm gonna beat her up," Elana said, marching up the street and to the house.

"Elana!" She ignored them. She walked up to the house and to the gate and was met by a redhead girl.

She looked like one of the popular kids and since Elana wasn't in the mood, she pushed pass her.

"This is private property."

Elana turned around with a grin, "Yeah. So do yourself a favor and get off my property."

She smiled too, "Honey, unless your name is Elana Abernathy, this is not your property."

"How unfortunate for you. My name is Elana Abernathy," she smiled, tilting her head in a petty way. Elana turned to go to the porch but felt her arm get pulled back.

She looked around to see a fuming redhead.

"Let. Go." Elana ordered.

"If you think this is some type of sick joke-"

"I suggest you let go. Before the Sheriff's son and my nurse's son see that you're hurting a patient," Elana said calmly, and she could visibly see the girl was seething.

She let go, just as Stiles and Scott entered through the gate.

"Elana!" Scott chided, pulling her away from Lydia as Stiles tried to talk to her. Lydia made one of those annoying petty noises and stuck her nose up in the air, storming out the gate and into her car.

"Stiles, are you kidding me? You could do way better," Elana said annoyed as she drove away.

"She's usually an angel," Stiles managed, looking toward where her car disappeared.

Elana snorted, "The Angel of Death, maybe." Scott hid a smirk behind his arm as Elana walked up the porch, pulling out her keys. She twisted the lock and opened the door.

It was very clean. Come to think of it, Elana had noticed the very prim lawn, excellently took cared of flowers, and now she had yet to see a speck of dust in the house.

She looked around, taking in paintings and mirrors and items in the house. Elana felt as the things felt vaguely familiar.

"Well, come on in," she told the boys behind her shoulder, who still hadn't walked through the doorframe.

"I don't think we should be-" Stiles was interrupted by his phone ringing. "It's my dad," he murmured and the two boys walked outside to take the call.

Elana studied the furniture and the wallpaper as she walked through the house slowly. She turned and began to walk up the stairs and down the hallway taking peeks into rooms that were fully furnished. This whole house was furnished and ready for living. Actually, it kinda looked like someone had been living here once...

Elana walked down the hallway, towards the door at the end that caught her eye. She turned the door handle and walked in.

It looked unsettlingly familiar. It also looked like the only room who hadn't been thoroughly cleaned. As if whoever has kept this house clean didn't want to erase something. Elana turned around, taking in the big windows, the pink bed in the corner and the huge pin board on the wall. She studied it and suddenly, the realization hit her.

Elana gasped.

It was her.


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