Pack it All Up

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Laura and Elana walked side by side, down the road.

"See, you and Cora were best friends. She'd hang out with you all day. Your mother had cancer so while your father was with her through her toughest times, you would stay at our house. Sooner or later, you were bound to figure out our secret. That we were werewolves."

Elana nodded, walking down the road. Laura stopped, staring at the brunette.

"No proof, no nothing, you just accept?"

"You could say I'm familiar with werewolves."

"More than you think," Laura looked at her gently. "Man, your amnesia is tripping me up. You don't remember anything?"

"I remembered your name, obviously. And I remembered some others. But not much. Not enough memory."

"Sorry, sis. Anyway, my mother was our Alpha. And even before you knew, you loved her. You used to call her a queen. For a nine year old, you were super smart. And she adored you to pieces.

"When you found out, Cora expected you to be scared. I remember her crying that you wouldn't want to be her friend anymore. But when you did, and I don't know how, you called her magical. And, whatever she was expecting, she didn't get it. She got a happy little nine year old, braiding flowers into her hair and singing, 'You're magical, you're magical!'"

"I'm magical, I'm magical," Elana remembered from the first day of Hogwarts.

"You were immediately filled in on everything. Without that information, you'd get hurt. We told you to stay away from Argent, these werewolf hunters."

"Don't stay out too long or else Argent might get ya."

"Run, hide, stay alive. We knew it might be dangerous with this. We tried to keep you away. We tried to get you to stay away. But you always came back."

"Eventually, we had to tell your parents. We told your father first, since you saw him more. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't going to make you unhappy either. I'm pretty sure he told your mother as well, but I dunno how she took it either."

"Until one day. The hunters followed you and Cora. You got shot. We got you to the house and you were losing to much blood, way too fast. We knew you would die. So we gave you the only help we could. The bite."

Elana vaguely remembered her dream. 

"Your body accepted it. Your father found out only minutes later and was furious. He took you back home in your sleep and all of us were sad. Even Peter, who shows minimal amount of human emotion, was upset. And then, without a trace, the next day you disappeared."

"At first we thought you killed someone. It had been a full moon. But your mom, she was unscratched, unharmed. We knew it wasn't cancer that took her, so what did? And you had disappeared. You didn't even have a trail, your father and your scent disappeared in your room, that had some of your stuff missing. You were just gone."

Elana's brain was whirling. Her mother was killed by the Killing curse. Presumably the same people that killed her father. Her father had travelled back in time, she was actually from the future. And she lived with these people. And he probably erased her memories. With Obliviate probably. Good cover up too. But why? Maybe to cover up her mother's murder? To protect her from the cape lady that she had yet to plan against? From what?

Then one thing struck her.

"But I'm not a werewolf," Elana said. "I've never transformed before and yes, I know for a fact when, because my friend's a werewolf and I've seen him change."

"That's impossible. You either accept the bite, or die," Laura said.

"Well that's nice to know. But, I've never changed," she said, playing with her necklace.

"What's that?"

"Oh. My birthstone. I'm born in June, so Moonstone." Elana slapped her forehead. "That's how."

"Hectolite. It reflects moon light. Look at the necklace, it has pieces of the jewel all around it. My dad gave this to me, he must've made it so I wouldn't turn," she murmured.

"Incredible," Laura mused. "Don't take it off any time soon then. We need to have a plan. You're going to be crazy once that full moon turns you on."

"That's poopy. I might kill someone."

"You might kill everyone. But the good thing is, you can control it after a while. I'll teach you. You were technically part of my mother's pack, so you're now part of mine."

"What happened to the rest of your family?"

She looked sadly down the trail. "There was a fire."

"Any survivors?" Elana remembered asking Stiles.

"They don't know."

"Is your last name Hale?" Elana found herself asking.

"Yea," Laura said quietly.


They walked quietly down the trail and stopped in front of an old house.

"This is the remains of the Hale house. If you ever need me, I'll be right here."

"You can't live here! I can practically feel ghosts crawling around here. You can live at my house. I'm alone anyway, and I need a caretaker."

Laura thought and then shrugged, "Okay."

They began to walk back.

"Actually, I feel like, once, I may have acted a little wolffish."

Laura raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"Okay," Elana took a deep breath, "I'm about to tell you something I haven't told anyone."

"Sure," she said, looking at her curiously.

"Okay. So basically, these last years? I haven't even been in the same time period as you. My dad took me back in time to 1969, erased my memories, had everything planned out, and made me go to a Wizarding school that taught me to kick butt. I spent like six years there and then my night before I came here, we were going to leave our house. My dad had said there was some sort of threat. Before we could leave though, we heard footsteps and this woman with a cape came in acting like she was everything and then other people came in and I hid but they attacked me. But they were werewolves. And they expected me to fight like them. So the first girl, I beat her with magic and the other guy was too big and he almost crushed me with his foot but I remember, and this is when it's hard to remember, I was scratching and writhing and squeezing blood out of his calf trying to escape. I remember attacking him and physically having to tear myself away from him and to stop myself from scratching to death. But the way I healed after, the way I didn't have any scratches or anything, the way I fought him so violently and out of control... I dunno, it just scares me, you know?"

"You're definitely a werewolf. And I'm definitely going to train you. Now, I kinda forgot because I wasn't over as much as Cora, but what way's your house?"


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