Chapter Five

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Three years later... (hooray for more time skips :3)


"Well, Espeon, Silver was suppose to meet us here at 4:00 p.m, which was ten minutes ago, and he's late. I'm not sure if I should be worried or annoyed." I muttered to my Espeon, who had long since evolved from an Eevee. She just yawned, continuing to nap beside me on the bench.

Over the last few years, Silver and I had worked together, traveling from town to town to avoid Team Rocket. We battled each other to train our Pokemon, and soon we were strong enough to make money off battling trainers. Well, I did. Silver turned into a pickpocket and a thief. During the first year he stole a Totodile from the lab in New Bark Town, which earned him a crack over the head from me. But he was my friend, so of course I didn't turn him in.

As well as that, he had grown colder and more closed-off towards other people. He hardly talked to anyone, except me. But I didn't mind. I couldn't really blame him- There were days that I did that, too, when I was feeling angry at the world for everything. Most of the time I managed to keep positive.

Besides trying to survive and avoid Team Rocket, whenever we had time we would spend as much time together as possible.

Unfortunately, as Silver had said the night we ran away, we couldn't stick together all the time. But even though we didn't stay by each other's side all the time, we became very close, especially since we had both saved each other from Team Rocket plenty of times when they managed to catch the other.

"Ugh... where is he?" I wondered aloud, glancing around. Maybe he was lost. Goldenrod City was fairly large.

"Right here." A voice came from right next to my ear, and I jumped about a foot in the air. Silver just snickered at my reaction while I glared at him.

"Not cool."

"Maybe not, but it was entertaining."

"You... just... Why am I still friends with you?" I sighed, but couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my face. He sat down next to me on the bench.

"How have you been?" He asked, becoming more serious.

"Pretty good, actually." I replied, looking at him and frowning. He was somewhat gaunt and his skin looked pale, even compared to normal. "What about you? You look like you haven't eaten in days. And don't you dare lie to me."

"Fine, I haven't. I'm out of money." He shrugged as if it was no big deal, but to me it was.

"C'mon, let's go get you something to eat."

"Glace, it's fine--"

"No, it isn't." I paused, absorbing what he said for a second. "Did you just call me Glace?" He flushed.


"Yes you did. It's cute. I like it." He just turned a darker shade of red and avoided my eyes as I returned Espeon, grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled him off the bench and towards the nearest cafe.


"Get whatever you want." I told Silver as we went up the cashier in the cafe. He just nodded, ordering some food while I just got a coffee. We sat down at a table near the window, and I looked at the people walking by as I sipped my coffee.

"I wish our lives could be normal." I murmured softly, watching a mother and father head into a store with their daughter.

"Yeah..." While Silver was occupied watching the same family I was, I stealthily reached over and swiped a french fry. "Hey!"

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now