Chapter Four

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For the next week, Silver came over every day, and the time he spent at my house increased until we spent almost the whole day playing together. We were best friends, and I had never enjoyed myself more.

Exactly a week after the day we first met, I was building a snowman, this one smaller than the one Silver and I had attemped the week before.

"Hey Glaceon!" I heard a shouted, and looked to see Silver coming towards me. After sticking the head onto the pile of snowballs, I ran to meet him, smiling.

"Hey Silver!" I noticed there was a bulge under his jacket. "What's that?"

"Urm... Here." He unzipped his jacket, and pulled out something brown and fluffy, holding it out towards me with both hands. For a second I was confused, until I realized it had two ears, brown eyes, and a poof of a tail. It was an Eevee!

"Oh my gosh!!!!" My jaw dropped wide open as I gasped, taking the little Pokemon, who sniffed my face curiously. "You... how... did you?"

"I found it. Since you wanted a Pokemon and Eevees are kind of rare... I-I caught it for you." The redhead blushed, staring down at his shoes. A wide grin split my face.

"Thank you so much! You're the best!!" I threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly and planted a kiss on his cheek. He turned an even deeper shade of red.

"It was no problem." He mumbled, his face still bright red. I giggled at his embarrassment as I released him.

"So... want to go hang out in my room?" I asked.


"Then let's go!" Still carrying Eevee, I ran into the house, and Silver ran after me. "I can't wait to show my mom! This is the best day ever!"

Unfortunately, it didn't stay that way for long.



I jolted upright in bed, startled by a loud crashing noise and the sound of glass shattering coming from downstairs.

Suddenly, my door creaked open, and my mom slipped in, quietly closing the door. More loud noises came from downstairs.

"Mom, what's going on?" I whispered fearfully.

"Team Rocket found us. You know what to do." She whispered back, and I nodded.

I slid out of bed and ran to my closet, quickly changing into a pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a pale blue hoodie, specially reserved for this. Grabbing my black backpack, which had some food, water, money, and a Pokegear, the newest phone that doubled as a map and a radio. I put in on, then shrunk Eevee's Poke Ball and stuck it in my pocket.

My heart was pounding. It was happening again.

"Mom, I'm scared."

All of the sudden, a loud bang echoed through the house, and the noise became silent for a moment, before footsteps started coming towards the staircase. My mom gasped silently, tears flooding her eyes.

"What happened?" I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

"Your father... I think they shot your father." I nearly screamed aloud, terror overcoming me. "Baby, they're coming. Hide under the bed, quick."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me." I obeyed her, sliding under the bed.

All of the sudden, the door flew open, and two pairs of boot-clad feet appeared in the doorway.

"Where is she?!" A man shouted.

"I'm not going to tell you." My mom hissed back.

"Tell us, or I will shoot you. And you will lay here in a pool of your own blood, just like your husband."

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now