Chapter Seventeen

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I heard myself scream, and before I knew it my shoes, socks, jacket, and bag were gone and I was racing towards the water as fast as my legs would carry me.

I dove in, and thankfully it was easy to spot Silver by his hair. He was entangled in some plants and fighting desperately to get out. Feraligator was trying to chew his trainer out, but the plants refused to rip, even though Feraligator had one of the strongest jaws out of all the Pokemon in the world. I swam to him and put a finger to my lips, signaling for him to calm down. He stopped moving and I carefully untangled him.

We all swam towards the surface, then suddenly, I heard the Gyarados roar.

We both turned to see the Gyarados swimming straight towards us with its mouth wide open.

"Oh, snap, it's going to eat us!" I shrieked in my head.

I noticed Silver had another empty pokeball, and right then he chucked it as hard as he could at the Gyarados. It hit it right on the head, then snapped open. The Gyarados glowed red, then was sucked into the pokeball. The button in the middle flashed for a minute, then there was a clicking sound.

I was shocked. He had actually caught the red Gyarados!

He grabbed the pokeball and we quickly swam up to the surface, gasping as we hit the air.

"Ah, sweet, sweet, oxygen!" I sighed, taking a deep breath.

We swam back to the bank. As we stood and caught our breath, I noticed Silver was shivering.

"Are you cold?" I asked.

"No, duh! The water was freezing!" He snapped.

"Oh. Well, I have cold resistance, so I wasn't cold at all."

"Whatever." He muttered, then sneezed.

"I think you're getting sick. Let's get back to Mahogany Town."


So, after Silver returned Feraligator and I picked up my stuff, we headed back to town and went to the pokemon center. I rented us both a room, not letting Silver protest, and we both went to bed, because it was almost dark and we were exhausted.


Later that night I woke up to a sound coming from the room next to mine, which was Silver's.

I got out of bed, went out to the hall and knocked on his door.

"Silver? Are you ok?" I said, trying not to be too loud so I didn't wake anyone up. I didn't get a reply, so I tried the door. It was unlocked and I went inside.

His bed was empty, but the bathroom door was open and the light was on. I went in quietly.

He was bent over the toilet, throwing up. I knelt down beside him and held his hair out of his face.

After a minute or two he stopped, so I got up, grabbed a small towel and got it wet. I knelt back down and wiped his face off. He looked terrible. His face was pale and covered with sweat along with his split lip and bruised cheek from earlier.

"What are you doing?" He croaked quietly.

"You're sick, and I'm helping." I replied, feeling his forehead. It was hot. "You have a fever."

"So what? I'll live."

"Or not. Without treatment it's going to get worse. Now stop being stubborn."

Suddenly, he jerked away and beveled over the toilet again, throwing up. I continued to hold his hair, rubbing his back gently as he coughed, leaning backwards again.

"Are you ok?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I'm fine."

"Let's get you back to bed." I helped him to his feet, and he went to the sink, rinsing his mouth with water. Then he trudged out of the bathroom and got into bed. Following him out, I pulled the covers over him, before remembering something.

"Don't doze off just yet. I think I have something that could help. I'll be right back." I ran out and back to my room, digging into my bag and finding my water bottle. It didn't have water in it, though. It was full of a mixture of berry juices that worked wonders for sickness.

Heading back to Silver's room, I sat on the edge of the bed and gave it to him. He just gave me a look.

"Drink it, you'll feel better, I promise." I said. He flipped it open, and took a tentative sip. As he swallowed, a look of relief washed over him face.

It wasn't long before the bottle was empty, and he had fallen fast asleep. I smiled softly, and just in case he got sick again, stretched out on the floor near the bed, and slept there.

Glaceon the Human [Original Version] (Pokemon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now