Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I just stared at Giovanni. Did he seriously just say they were going to CREATE a pokemon?! I shot Silver a panicked look.

"This is going to backfire." He mouthed.

"I seriously hope so." I mouthed back. Giovanni continued his speech.

"The power taken from the girl is so strong that, without a host, it will take its own physical form. And once it does, we will take control of it and use it to take over Johto, and the whole world!" The grunts cheered, and I would have facepalmed, but I wasn't in the mood to be kicking in the shin right then. They're going to take over the world. How original. "The power is inside this container. All we have to do is let it out." Giovanni opened a panel on the container, and everyone moved back.

At first nothing happened. Then, all of the sudden, a bright blue light burst out of the machine, and everyone jumped back even further, shielding their eyes. The wind picked up and it started to snow, making it hard to see, then hail mixed in. The temperature was rapidly dropping, and the light was beginning to take shape.

Silver and I quickly took the opportunity to semi-escape. We slipped away from the grunts, and got as far away as possible.

"So far nothing seems to be backfiring!" I shouted over the wind. The light was almost formed completely, and I was getting worried maybe they would succeed.

"Wait, what are they going to use to control that thing?!" Silver yelled back. "If it's strong, they won't be able to fight and catch it!" I looked around, but could see nothing except the grunts, and not just because of the weather.

"Arceus, I don't think they planned that far ahead." I gasped in horror, and Silver swore.

"They've had years to plan this! How do you leave out something like that?!"

"No idea. What are we going to do?!"

"The power is already released- we can't do anything now! And I think it's done forming!"

All of the sudden, there was a flash of blinding light, and I heard a loud roar. Once the light was gone, I looked at the pokemon. My jaw dropped, and I heard Silver swear again.


A/N: anyone who can guess what Pokemon it is gets a cookie! :3

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