Chapter One

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(Two Months Later)


Humming softly to myself, I brushed my bright blue hair, which was currently a Ratatta's nest, since I'd just got out of bed. I winced as I pulled through knots, but thankfully my hair was fairly short. Once it was mostly snarl-free I pulled it up into a sloppy Ponyta-tail.

As I finished, I changed out of my pajamas and into a blue t-shirt and shorts. Glancing out my bedroom window, I saw that it was snowing. Not that it mattered. I can't feel the cold.

Finally, I thumped down the stairs, enjoying that fact that our house had two floors, even though we had had it for two months already.

Thankfully, now that we were in Johto, we had gotten a good house, TVs, lots of clothes, and all sorts of other things. The last two months had been almost normal.

As I reached the bottom, I heard my parents having a conversation in the living room.

"Do you trust him?" My mom's voice asked.

"Yes, I do. And besides, he already knows about her. If he's offering help, might as well accept." My dad replied. It sounded like someone knew about my powers!

"I still can't believe Team Rocket decided to show up in Johto... I thought they had disbanded."

"So did I."

"Hey, whatcha talking about?" I decided to enter the conversation. Both of my parents jumped in surprise, my dad nearly falling off of the couch.

"Well, someone at your father's workplace accidentally found out about your powers, Glaceon." My mom said, frowning at my dad. "But, he offered help, because as you know, Team Rocket's in Johto now."

"What kind of help?" I was suspicious.

"He's going keep an eye on Team Rocket's activities, and make sure they don't find us."

"So we don't have to move again?"


"Hm. I can deal with that."

"Now, I'll make you some toast for breakfast, then you can go play outside if you want."

"Thanks, Mom." I went and flopped onto the brown sofa while my mom got up and went into the kitchen. My dad flipped on the TV and turned it to the most boring channel, which was the news.

"Team Rocket has been sighted all over Johto, and people are starting to become worried about their safety inside their homes. What sinister plans are they making?" The reporter said. We all sighed simultaneously.

"You know, sometimes I wish I could just give Team Rocket my powers so they'll leave us alone. But no, they have to want to use them to take over the world." I grumbled.

"Trust me, we wish that, too." My dad replied.

"Well, unfortunately that's now how it is. Here's your toast." My mom handed me a plate with a few pieces of toast that were slathered with peanut butter before she sat back down on the couch.

"Thanks!" I started chowing down.

We just watched the weather report for a while, until my mom spoke up.

"Roger, doesn't your coworker have a son?" She asked my dad, who nodded.

"Yes, and he's the same age as you. He's going to be coming over tomorrow so we can talk. He might bring his son with him."

"Cool." I hadn't talked to anyone my age in a long time. Or anyone but my parents in general. I took online classes, and we lived deep in Ilex Forest, isolated and safe. "What's your coworker's name, anyway?"



A/N: So, the is the first (short //shot) offical chapter of the story :3

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