Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning I set off at around sunrise, and it wasn't long before I came to a cave.

"Oh, yay! A cave!" I said sarcastically to myself. As I entered, and I discovered it was full of ice. The whole floor was ice, and there were huge icicles hanging from the ceiling. I wasn't cold, but I figured anyone else would be freezing.

I took a step, and nearly slipped.

"Oh, boy, this is going to be fun." I muttered.


I ended up walking very slowly, but I still fell at least four times. It was taking hours, and it would probably be dark before I got to the next town.

After a while, I heard a voice.

"Glaceon? Glaceon, are you here?" It was Silver, of course.

"Silver?" I yelped in surprise, then clapped my hand over my mouth.

"Glaceon?" I heard footsteps coming towards me. I tried to run, but slipped and skidded into an ice covered rock, hitting it so hard that it shook the ceiling.

"Ouch." I groaned, rubbing my head where I hit the rock. That was going to leave a bruise.

Silver appeared from around the corner of the path.

"Stay away from me." I snarled, standing up. I heard him sigh.

"Look, I don't think you would hurt me or kill me. I don't know why I said that."

"Really? Then why do you give me a suspicious look when I try to do something nice?"

"Because every time someone ever did something nice, it turned out they worked for Team Rocket and they're faking it!" He shouted, getting angry.

"You're dumber than you look. You really think Team Rocket would hire a teenage girl to catch you? That would never happen."

"Look, I've spent the last few years running from them. I can't trust anyone." He growled.

"So have I!" I screeched in frustration. "Team Rocket murdered my family and I barely escaped! I've been running from them for years! I can never have a decent life because of them! Yet I manage to trust people!" My voice was causing the ceiling to shake again.

All of the sudden, there was a cracking noise, and a huge chunk of ice broke off of the ceiling and fell towards me.

Frozen with fear, all I did was scream.

Suddenly something rammed into me, knocking me out of the way. There was a thunk, a crack, and a cry of pain as the ice hit the ground. I stood up and turned around.

Silver had one leg pinned under the chunk of ice, and I could see that he was trying not to cry out again.

"Silver! Arceus, saved me..." I said in a stunned voice, kneeling beside him.

"Yeah, whatever." He scoffed, glaring at me. "Can you just help me?"

"I have an idea." I sent out Espeon and had her use psychic, but she couldn't lift the giant hunk of ice.

"Well, that didn't work." Silver grumbled as I returned Espeon.

"Obviously. Wait, I have another idea. My friend Gold shouldn't be too far away, and he has a Quilava. I'll call him." I said, pulling out my Pokegear. I checked the screen. I had almost no signal and the battery was about die. I selected Gold's number and put the Pokegear up to my ear.

"Hello?" Fortunately, Gold answered.

"Gold? Oh, thank Arceus, I need help."

"Glaceon? What's wrong?" He sounded worried.

"My Pokegear is almost dead, I don't have time to explain! Just get to the Ice Path as fast as you can, ok?"

"Ok, see you so-" there was a beep, and my Pokegear died.

"He's coming." I noticed it was starting to get darker. "Though he probably won't get here until tomorrow. How's your leg?"

"Well, the ice has numbed it, so I can't feel it anymore." He replied with a scowl, shivering.

"It looks like there's nothing to do now but sleep." I said, and he sighed, resting his head on his arms.


"Arceus, it's freaking cold in here!" Silver exclaimed, waking me up. I looked over at him. He was shaking and his teeth were chattering loudly.

I got up and went over to him, laying down beside him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, glancing at me.

"Trying to warm you up. I may not feel the cold, but I still have body heat. You're going to freeze to death if I don't, so don't argue." I replied, moving closer so that our shoulders were touching. "You need to stop getting yourself hurt."

He didn't respond, but soon stopped shivering and fell back asleep, and I also dozed off within a couple minutes.


A/N: ok, so just so you know, Glaceon, Gold and Silver are all 16. I think I'm going to make a character book soon...

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