Chapter Twenty-Four

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Finally, the next morning, I was released from the pokemon center.

The nurse stood by as I eagerly climbed out of the hospital bed. It felt so great to stand again! And my stomach didn't hurt at all.

"How do you feel? Any pain?" The nurse asked. I shook my head.


"Then you can go ahead and leave." The nurse left, and I double checked to make sure I had everything before following.

I left the pokemon center and went off to find Gold, who said he was at the cafe.

I shivered slightly- my jacket had been ruined, so all I was wearing was a tank top, and I no longer had cold resistance powers.

"Glaceon, over here!" I heard a girl's voice shout. I looked ahead to see Lyra and Gold. Lyra was waving like crazy, and I waved back. I jogged up to them. They were sitting at a table in front of a small cafe.

"Hey, I got you coffee." Gold said, handing me a streaming cup.

"Thanks!" I replied, accepting it and sitting down next to him. I took a sip, which immediately warmed me up.

"I'm really sorry you lost your powers." Lyra said. After I was injured, I decided to tell her the whole thing since she was a friend, and I obviously didn't have them anymore.

"Eh, it's fine. They were really more like a talent. I just hope Team Rocket won't figure out some way to use them." I said. "But I have discovered what it's like to be cold."

"You're cold? You can use my jacket of you want." Gold offered.

"It's ok, I'm going to get a new one when I'm done with my coffee." I took another gulp of my coffee. Ah, sweet caffeine.

"Can I come with you?" Lyra asked excitedly. "Pretty please? I love helping people shop!" I shrugged.

"Sure, why not? Sounds like fun."

"Yay! We are totally going to find the perfect one!"


"Oh my gosh! It is SO you!" Lyra squealed. We were in a store, and I was standing in front of the full length mirror, checking out the jacket we had found.

It was plain grey, hand front pockets plus the inside was lined with Mareep wool. It was plain, which I liked. The color grey went perfectly with my brown hair.

"You're right. It's perfect." I said, taking it off so I could pay for it. I went to the checkout and paid, then we left.

As soon as we got outside I threw it on again, mostly because it was windy and even colder out. Gold was waiting outside.

"That is sweet!" He commented as I showed my jacket off. "Hey, so what are you going to do now that you're out of the pokemon center?"

"Dunno. I guess I don't really have a plan."

"Do you want to come with us? I never got to challenge the Pokemon League."

"Sure. It would be cool to watch you fight the Elite Four." He checked the time on his Pokegear.

"If we leave now, we should be able to get to New Bark Town by night." He said.

"Then let's go!" I said, marching towards the path to route 45.


A/N: this chapter was more of a filler, so sorry it's short.

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