Turn away

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Tom stood there and watched as Tord's robot fell to a cliff, along with him inside. Edd and Matt walked over to Tom and helped him with his arms, "I told you that harpoon gun would come in handy." They turned around and walked away. While walking, Edd said, "guess we need a new house." Tom then remembered, "well, actually, I did find a place."

~Several days later~

The rest that was left of the gang was sitting on the couch, watching Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 5. While watching it, Tom was thinking about what had happened a few days ago. He sighed and stood up, "I'm going to go back to my apartment, see ya guys." "See ya Tom." He grabbed the door knob, turned it and headed out. Tom went into his apartment and sat on his couch. He grabbed his phone and looked through all his old pictures. Pictures of the gang, Edd, Matt, Tord, and himself. Tom got up from the couch and went to his room. He opened a drawer, revealing what was inside, it was full of numerous bottles of Smirnoff. Tears slowly started to form in his eyes as he reached out for a bottle. He popped it open and chugged it. A burning feeling in his throat. He threw away the bottle in his hand and grabbed another one. Soon enough, Tom finished drinking his Smirnoff and was now on his bed, crying, while laughing like a maniac. Edd and Matt didn't know about Tom's habits in his apartment. Edd sometimes tries to get him to talk about it, but Tom knows all his tricks and knows how to get out of them. He worries them, and they want to help, but Tom refuses they help, which just make matters worse. Tom sat there and was listening to something, which I suppose is what was making him laugh. Tord's least favorite song.
He whispered it softly to himself, "sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows... Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when were together... Brighter than a lucky penny.... When you're near the rain just disappears, dear... And I feel so fine.... Just to know that you died.." The last part made Tom bring his legs up to his chest and hug them tightly, while quietly crying. He stayed in this position, and eventually fell asleep.

"I'm gonna go check on Tom, I'll be right back." "See ya Edd" He stood up and headed to Tom's place. Edd opened the door to Tom's room. He found him asleep on his bed, with several bottles of Smirnoff spread across the floor. Edd sighed at the sight, he really wanted to help Tom, but Tom doesn't want him to. "Screw it, I'm going to help him wether he likes it or not... He needs our help, it's not good for him to be like this." Edd walked over to Tom and shook his shoulder. Tom turned around and groaned. "Tom! Get your lazy, alcoholic ass up!" He flinched at Edd's sudden anger. "I'm up, what's wrong?" "Tom, come on." Edd grabbed Tom's wrist and dragged him to his apartment. "Hey Edd. Hey Tom." Matt said, as Edd threw Tom onto the couch. "What's up with all the sudden aggressiveness, Edd?" "I'm tired of you telling us that you don't want to talk about why you're so down lately. Well, now you're going to tell us, so, why? Why are you so down lately, Tom?" He sighed in defeat, he knew Edd wasn't going to give up easily. "I'm not sure why, but... I've been upset over what Tord did to us... But I should be happy he's not a threat anymore... Right?" "Of course, we're also upset, but we just look at the bright side of things and try not to be sad about it." Edd said, reassuringly. 
"I'm not upset like you think I am. I'm upset because I miss Tord..." "What?! Why would you miss Tord? He almost killed us!" "I'm not sure why, I guess I just miss his devilish smirk, horns, his Norwegian accent, I don't know.."
Edd's eyes were wide at what Tom had just said. Tom saw this, then realized what he had just said, and almost his whole face turned red. "Tom! You like Tord?!" "N-No! I hate that commie bastard!" "Nice try Tom, but you already said all those things you admire about him." Tom stood up and walked out, a blushing mess. He could hear Edd and Matt in the distance, laughing. Tom opened the door to his room. The smell of alcohol filling the air. He ignored it and laid on his bed. It's true, I do like him, but he almost killed me and destroyed our house. Is it right to like someone that ruined a part of your life? Tom contemplated his feelings towards Tord. He sighed and closed his eyes, soon falling asleep.

(A/N: Hello whoever read this shit, sorry for having the first chapter only be 800 words, for the next one I'll try to make it 1000 or more words. In the description for this book, I asked if anyone wanted this to be about either of them having cancer, if you do, comment it. That's all for now, bye)

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