'Cause my lips are

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Tord stopped at the parking lot. He got out of the car and walked into the building. "Umm, excuse me." He called out. The lady at the desk turned and said to the person on the phone, "please hold," and looked at Tord, "yes s-" She paused mid sentence, looking at Tord's torn face, robotic arm, and eye patch. Tord sighed while she stared, "yes, so, I just needed to know which apartment is Edd Gold's." She snapped out of her thoughts and said, "oh, yes sir, right away." She looked at a computer and said, "his apartment number is 118." "Thank you." "Anytime sir."

Tord walked into the elevator and pushed the button to the (I don't know which number the floor would be) 5th floor. The elevator went up and Tord was starting to sweat a bit. It stopped and he froze. The doors opened and Tord walked out while looking through the halls. He found apartment number 118 and knocked on the door. Edd stood at the door way and looked up (I imagine Edd being a bit shorter than Tord) at Tord. He smiled and hugged him tightly. "Welcome back Tord." He was shocked at Edd's action. Tord hadn't even apologized and Edd had already forgiven him. He hugged back, "it's great to be back." Edd pulled out of the hug. "So Edd, where's that Jehovah's witness?" "Oh, he's in the apartment next door." Edd said while pointing to Tom's apartment. Tord looked over, "is he there right now?" Edd nodded at his question.

Tord walked towards the door to Tom's apartment and knocked on it. A drunk looking Tom opened the door. "Oh, hey *hic* Tordsie. Where you've been?" "Umm, are you drunk Thomas?" Tom took a swig at his Smirnoff, "what? No, you're drunk ya commie." He giggled. Tord began to get worried. "Hey, where'd you come from commie?" "What? I've been here this whole time." Tom went into his apartment and gestured for Tord to come inside.

He sat down on Tom's couch. "Thomas, I think you need to rest." "Aww, alright." Tom sat down next to him and laid his head on Tord's lap. Tord's face turned a bright red. He shrugged it off and went to sleep as well.

Tom opened his "eyes" and looked up. He was surprised to see the commie in the red hoodie. "What the fuck?! What are you doing here Tord?!" Tord instantly woke up from Tom's shouting. "What? I thought you knew I was here." Tom then remembered what had happened earlier. "Oh yeah." His face turned a light pink. He shrugged it off. "I'm going to Edd's place." "Alright, I'll go too."

They walked into Edd's apartment. "Oh, hey Tord." Edd said happily. And as for Matt, he dropped his mirror, breaking it to pieces, and stared at the two. "Oh, h-hey Tord." Matt stuttered. Tord just simply waved at him. The two sat down next to the others. Tom sitting next to Matt, making Matt blush, and Tord sitting at the end of the couch. They were watching The Cats, and it was Tom and Matt's favorite episode. "Oh fuck yeah! This episode is my favorite!" Shouted Tom. "Oh yeah? What happens in it that makes you like it so much?" "Heh, I'd rather you watch it then me spoil it." Tord chuckled, "fair enough."

The episode was over, Tom and Tord were hugging each other and crying. "That was so sad!" Tord sniffed in between sentence. "I guess I know why it's your favorite." Matt rolled his eyes at the sight of the two hugging. Usually it would be him and Tom that did that, he was jealous of Tord. The two let go and were wiping away their tears. Edd looked over at them, "wow, I didn't think the two most cold hearted ones in the group would be so effected by an episode of cats." "Shut up Edd, you have a cat, what if that happened to it." Edd got


Luckily he could control himself, so he just simply said, "you have a point." Edd grabbed the controller and changed the channel. The next channel had Professor Why on. "My Jehovah! Kill me already!" Tom shouted out. Edd quickly changed the channel. "What was that show." Asked Tord. Edd and Tom looked at each other and then towards Tord. Edd briefly explained the whole series, "shit, that's what it was." He laid back on the couch and watched the movie that was on. "Wow, never heard Edd curse before," said Tord. "I guess it's so bad it made him curse," guessed Tom. The two started laughing. And again, Matt got extremely jealous. He held it back by watching what was on TV.

The movie ended, and it was about 11. "Hey Tord, have you found out who you're going to stay with?" Asked Matt, while crossing his fingers, hoping he wouldn't say Tom. "He can stay with me. If he wants to," said Tom. "Oh, well, sure, I'll go get my stuff from the car," said Tord as he walked out.

Tord opened the door to the car and got his suitcase out. He was walking in the hallway, he didn't see him, but Matt pinned him against the wall. "Listen here you Norwegian bastard. You're not going to try anything with Tom, got it?" Tord laughed at what he said. "What? Why would you care if I did? Do you have some sort of crush on him? And why would I, it's not like I have a crush on him." Tord whispered the last part quietly to himself and was now blushing. "Edd told me you like him, and if you try anything, I will fucking kill you. Got it?" Tord rolled his eyes, "got it." Matt released him and walked into his apartment. As for Tord he just stood there and thought about what had just happened. He shrugged it off and walked into Tom's apartment. "Hey Jehovah's witness, I'm back." "Hey, and don't call me that commie." Tord plopped down on the couch next to him. "If you get to call me commie, then I get to call you Jehovah's witness." Tom rolled his nonexistent eyes, "fair enou-mph!" Tom's "eyes" were wide at the fact that Tord was kissing him. In his mind he was freaking out.

The fuck is this damn commie doing?! Why the fuck is he doing this?! Damn it, I hate to admit this to myself, but this feels nice.

Tom kissed him back. They pulled away and gazed at each other. Both their faces as red as Tord's hoodie. "Umm, sorry Thomas." Apologized Tord. "N-no, it's okay. I, uh, kind of enjoyed it." Tord, somehow, blushed brighter. "Umm, I'm going to unpack my stuff." "Okay." Tord unzipped his suitcase.

A thought popped into Tom's head. "You better not have brought your hentai." "What are you going to do if I did?" "Tord, I could beat the shit out of you." "I have guns, I can shoot you." "Yeah, then Edd and Matt would hate you." Tord froze while taking out his clothes. "You win this argument. So, where do I put my stuff?" "Oh yeah. Umm... Over here." He went into his room and opened an empty drawer. Tord put his stuff in there and then looked at the room. "So, am I going to sleep on the couch." "It's your decision." Tord blushed at the saying. "I-I'll sleep on the couch." "Okay. Good night." Tom kissed Tord's forehead and sat on his bed. Tord watched as he took off his shoes and then his hoodie. He then realized what he was doing when Tom looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow. "Oh, s-sorry." Tom got up and opened the closet. He tossed Tord a blanket and a pillow. "Th-thanks. Good night Jehovah's witness." "Good night commie." Tord walked to the living room and laid on the couch. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(A/N: Yes! Another one done. Sorry if this one is badly written. This chapter is about 1300 words. I just wanna say that I guess the only reason I have enough time to write two chapters in a day is because I have no homework. Then again, my homework only takes me a couple minutes to finish. Anyways, see ya in the next one, bye.)

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