Kiss You

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Edd shook the bowl that was once full of popcorn, and was now completely empty. He didn't want to move from his seat, but he was hungry and wanted more popcorn. So he got off his lazy ass and went to get more. He came back into the room and realized that he missed his favorite part of the movie.

"Ugh, seriously?" Edd cried out. "Why didn't you call me over? Matt always did..."

He stared down at the floor and remembered all the great memories they had. Edd sighed and sat back down. Tom and Tord exchanged a look.

"Look, Edd, we're sorry. We didn't mean to hurt you like this."

"No, Tom, it's alright. I just miss him, that's all." He wiped his eye as a tear was about to fall down his cheek.
Both Tom and Tord got up and hugged Edd. Edd was a bit surprised at first, but soon, his eyes were swelling up with tears, and he was crying in a mix of happiness, and sadness. Though you could tell it was mostly happiness, because of the fact that he was smiling while they hugged. Letting go of each other, they decided to maybe talk for a bit.

Soon enough, all three of them were alright. Not so sad...


As the years went by, Edd started to stay in his room more often. Tom and Tord would always ask Edd if he wanted to go somewhere. His response would always be "no." Edd's actions worried both Tom and Tord. So one day, they got tired of his foolishness, and forced him out of his room.

Tord slammed the door open, causing Edd to jump in surprise.

"Eddward Gold! I am sick and tired of your fucking bullshit, you are going to get off your lazy ass, and come to the park with us! Whether you like it or not!"

Tord waited for a response, but right before Edd started to talk, Tord saw a picture of Matt on the counter next to Edd's bed.... And a razor.

"Guys, I-I'm.... I'm so sorry...."

Tears formed in his eyes and flowed down his cheeks like a river. He wiped his eyes and looked down at the floor and then at his arm. Tord looked at it as well and then got an awful thought. He was right. Edd rolled up his sleeves and revealed numerous scars.

"I'm sorry guys.... "

"No, Edd.... We're here for you... Why didn't you tell us earlier? We could've helped you through this."

"Uh... I was afraid you guys would think I was a sad sack... Or an emo."

"Oh God," thought Tord," Edd, we would never think that.. We're your friends."

Edd sniffed, "thanks guys."

They all got changed and went out. When Edd stepped into the warm light of the sun, his pupils seemed to disappear, or at least be as small as possible. He rubbed his eyes multiple times while walking alongside the road. Edd still needed to get used to the sunlight in his eyes. They arrived at the park and Edd's eyes had adjusted to the sunlight a bit. Walking around, Edd heard a familiar voice. He looked in the direction that he had heard it. Then he saw orange hair, a green overcoat. The person turned around.



A big smile appeared on Edd's face. He ran towards Matt and gave him a big hug.

 He ran towards Matt and gave him a big hug

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(Another one of my terrible drawings.)

"Matt! I missed you so much!.. Oh, you've changed a lot. You have a couple bandages."

"Yeah, I got beat up often... Anyways, I missed you too Edd. Man, you've changed as well. Your hair is a bit longer. And did you lose weight?"

Edd couldn't help but blush at what he said.

"Edd! There you... Are..."

Tord looked at Matt and got angry.

"Woah, woah, Tord calm down. He's not here to hurt us."

"Yeah, I was released from prison. It's been six years hasn't it?"

"Has it really been six years?" Tord asked, surprised at how fast time flies.

"Yup. And, look. I'm sorry for what I did to you guys.. I guess I was just really out of control."

"It's alri-" Tom was about to finish, but got inturrupted by a furious Tord.

"No. It's not alright."

"Tord, come on. It was six years ago. Besides, we forgave you for what YOU, did. And by that I mean, you destroying our old house and almost everything we owned."

Tord sighed in defeat. "Well.. I guess I'll forgive him."

Matt smiled brightly and said, "oh thank you dear friend," and hugged Tord.

He refused to hug back, but Tom insisted he do so. Tord sighed in annoyance and hugged back. They let go and walked around the park.

"So, did anything bad happen while you were in prison?" Asked an extremely curious Edd.

"Hmm. Not much. But, I did get these scars." He rolled up his sleeves of both his overcoat and hoodie, revealing countless scars. "But other than this, nothing bad really happened to me. Sometimes, Erik would be there to protect me. The prisoners there seemed to be really afraid of him. So he was a great guy to have as a friend. Oh! And he reminded me of you Edd. So I guess that's another reason he was such an amazing friend."

Matt's words had once again made Edd blush. This time, however, Matt noticed the blushing. He shook his head and thought, I'm just imagining things, he would never be into me.

It was five in the afternoon, and the gang was back at the apartments. Edd was making food for them while they sat at the table and chatted. Matt felt awkward though, he didn't know if their likes and dislikes changed, so he didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent.

Edd put a plate in front of Matt.

"Thanks Edd."

"You're welcome Matt."

Matt blushed a light pink. He then realized what he just did and grew nervous. Scared if Edd had seen him blushing. He shook off the thought and ate.

Everyone finished eating and were now sitting on the couch and talking.

"So, umm... Did someone buy my apartment?"

"Yeah, and they told me to hold onto all your stuff."

"Oh. Well, can I stay with you until I can get enough money for an apartment?"

"Umm, yeah, sure."

They didn't realize it, but they were staring into each other's eyes.

"Umm.... Guys?"

"Huh?" They asked in harmony.

"You guys were staring into each other's eyes."

"Were we?!" They asked in harmony once again.

(A/N: Sorry for just ending the chapter there. I had no ideas and I really want to get a chapter out. So, here ya go. I'll see you in the next one.)

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