Of water

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Tord looked out of the window from his office. The door opened and Paul was there. "Red leader, you are needed outside." "Alright, I'll go in a bit," Tord said without turning around. Paul nodded, closed the door and went outside. Tord looked at a cabinet. He opened it, remembered bear was there. Tord grabbed it, sat on his chair and stared at it. "Heh, kinda miss that old Jehovah's witness... Wait what? I have to go outside," Tord put Tomee back in the cabinet and headed out.

"Oh, red leader, there seems to be a problem here." Paul stated. "What seems to be the problem?" "Two soldiers are not able to get along and that is going to effect the way they'll fight during battle." Tord looked at the two soldiers, reminding him of himself and Tom. He chuckled at the thought and walked over to them.

"What seems to be the problem soldiers?" Tord said in a threatening tone. They stood up straight and said, "n-nothing red leader." He got angry, "well then why were you two arguing?" The two froze and looked at each other. "W-we, were just seeing which weapon we should choose," said the one on the right. "Y-yeah, what this idiot said." "What?! I'm not a fucking idiot! You are!" "Why do you have to get so butt hurt over every little thing?!" "Because I love you! Why haven't you figured that out you dumbass?!" They both froze and stared each other in the eyes. "D-do you really mean that Joey?" "Of course I do Xavie." Tord looked at the two, wishing a fight between him and Tom ended like that. Unfortunately, Tord was always too scared to confess his feelings. "Well, I'm glad you two settled things, now, get to work before I send you to the torture chamber." "Yes red leader," both said, and ran off to work. Tord sighed at the sight of the two new lovers.

He walked over to Paul, "so, anything else that needs help with?" "Umm.... No, not right now at least." "Alright, I'll be in my office if you need me." And with that, Tord walked away to his office. He sat down and remembered all the countries he had taken over so far. Sweden, Finland, and part of Poland. He felt guilt in his heart, he didn't want do this anymore. It's not like they were forcing him. Were they? Tord got out Tomee bear and hugged him tightly. "I miss that stupid Jehovah's witness... I fucking hate him... I love him..." He drifted off in his words. Looking at Tomee bear, he remembered when Tom and him were kids and how he would carry it around with him all the time. He then remembered how they actually got along as kids, and over the years they grew to hate each other. High school was the next subject that popped into his mind, when he started to grow a liking to Tom. He remembered all those times Tom would hug him when he felt down. Every time he did, he always said, "don't think I'm doing this because I care about you, I'm just doing it for Edd." "Sure, Jehovah's witness." It made Tord chuckle a bit, but cry as well, as he remembering all his old memories with him. He suddenly got an idea and ran out of his office, while wiping away his tears.

"Paul! Patryk!" The two gays came running as fast as they could. Once they reached the red leader, they were gasping for breath. "Y-yes, *cough cough* red leader?" Choked out Patryk. "I need to tell you two something. As my two assistants, I'm counting on you to take care of the Red Army while I'm gone." "Oka-wait, what?! Where are you going, how long will you be gone?!" "Calm down Patryk, I'm just going to go visit my old friends that's all. But, as for how long, I'm not sure, it could be weeks, months, years, maybe even the rest of my life! So that's why I'm counting on you two to do your best at this." Tord said with a faint smile. The two looked at each other and back at the red leader, "alright, we'll do our best red leader!" "Nope, from now on, you two are red leader." Both their eyes lit up, "we take your place?! This must be a dream! Paul, slap me in the face." Paul did as he was told to. "Oww, not that hard. But at least I know it's not a dream! We'll do our best red-I mean, Tord." Tord nodded and left the two to their new jobs.

He opened the door to his room and looked for his suitcase. Looking for his clothes and other stuff, he thought he should tell them ahead of time. Tord reached into his pocket and texted Matt that he was sorry. And like he planned, Matt said that he needed to tell it to their faces. So Tord smiled at Matt's text and packed up all his belongings. He was about to head out of the building, when he remembered Tomee bear. Tord ran back in and went to his office. He opened the drawer and instead of putting it in the suitcase, be put it in his hoodie pocket, so that in case he went to sleep, he could just easily reach into his pocket and hug Tomee bear tightly.

Tord opened the door to his car and got in. He started it and drove off. Tord looked at the sidewalk and other places. Then he had remembered what he texted to Matt, he had said he'd be there in a few days, but he was already on his way. "Shit, I've got to tell him," Tord said, as he pulled over at a gas station and texted:

Correction to my earlier statement, I'm actually going to be there in a few hours.

Tord waited for a response, but never got one. He assumed his phone was off or something, so instead he texted Edd, since he knew he must've shared the news with him and Tom.

Hey Edd, has Matt told you the news?

If you mean the news if you coming back, then yes, I know.

Alright, well, I'm going to be there in a few hours. Have you told Tom yet?

I don't think Matt told him, I'll do it, I'll also tell you what he says.


Tord waited for a few minutes and then got a text.

Tom sarcastically said, "great, that damn commie is coming back, when he does tell him to not bother me."

Oh, umm, alright well, I'm on my way again, so I can't text anymore, bye Edd.

Bye Tord.

He put his phone back into his pocket and started the car again.

(A/N: The "water" in the title is supposed to be tears btw. I don't know if I'll make two chapters again like yesterday, but if I do it might be up in a couple hours. If anyone is wondering why Edd wasn't pissed off when Tord texted him, it's because they had been texting after the day he betrayed them. That's all for now, bye guys.)

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