Call my aunt Marie

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"What is it?" Edd thought if this was a good idea. But if had to be told to him sooner or later. "Well, it's about Matt..." He trailed off his words. "Umm, Edd? What about Matt?" Edd snapped out of it and said fast, "Matthasacrushonyou!" "Can you repeat that? But slower this time?" Asked Tom. Edd sighed, "look, Tom. Don't be mad at him. We know you're with Tord now. But Matt has liked you for a few days now." "WHAT?!" Shrieked Tom. "But that's not nearly as long as I have. Thomas, I've loved you since highschool, several years! And Matt has only like you for a couple days. Think about it...." "I can't right now, don't I need to go for a checkup?" "Oh, right. Come on." Tord grabbed Tom's hand and led him out of Edd's place. Edd slowly walked behind them.

"You wanna sit in the front?" "I don't know. Edd, do you want shotgun?" Tom asked. "Nah, you can have it, I'll sit in the back." Edd responded. "Alright then, off to the hospital." They all got in and drove off.

Edd stared out the window. Then looked besides him, remembering Matt. "Oh shit." He grabbed his phone and started to text him.

Hey, ya there?

Yeah, I'm here. What's up?

We. Umm... Kind of left without you, sorry.

It's alright.

Really? We can pick you up after we drop off Tom at the hospital. If you want.

Nah, I don't want Tom to be alone for an hour.

He won't necessarily be alone. But okay. We'll see you later, bye.


Matt had a devilish grin on his face. Enough time for me to plan on how I'll kill Tord. He looked around his room for a knife, or anything that could kill someone. "Ah. My old buddy. My old weapon. My old shot gun." He hugged it tightly and thought of all the blood coming from Tord's head when he'd shot him. Matt started laughing like a maniac. "No one will get in-between me and my Tom!"

Edd put his phone back into his pocket. "What happened? Why'd you say 'oh shit'?" "I had just remembered we forgot Matt." Tom looked back to where Edd was. And saw an empty seat next to him. "No wonder it was so quiet. I just thought he fell asleep."

Tord started laughing

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Tord started laughing. "This is why I love you." "And this is why I hate you," Tom played around. Tord hit him lightly on the arm. Both laughed a bit. "Sorry Thomas." "It's alright. How long do you think it'll take to get there." Tord got out his phone and looked at his GPS. "About 20 more minutes." He put it away and looked back at the road.

"We're here." They got out and headed into the hospital. "Excuse me." Tord called. "Yes sir?" Asked a nurse that was at the counter. "We called Dr.Why (I had to) about two or so hours ago and he said we could see him then." "Oh, well, right now he's speaking with a patient, it'll take about 15 minutes. So please be patient and sit at the waiting room, I'm sure Dr.Why would appreciate it." "Thank you." "Anytime sir." They walked into the waiting room and sat down. "She said 15 minutes right? What do you guys want to do?" "Oh, we could watch some Steven Universe." Edd suggested. "Sure. What episode?" Asked Tom. "How about the newest one?" He got his phone out and clicked on the Cartoon Network app. "Wait, there's three of us. Headphones only have two buds. And I'm sure we can't listen to it out loud," stated Tord. "Dammit, you're right." Edd thought of what else they could do. "Wanna play trivia?" "Sure. Tom?" He looked over at Tom, he was holding onto his stomach. Tord put an arm around his shoulder. Tom looked up at him and smiled. "You alright?" "Y-yeah, I'm okay." "Wanna play trivia with us?" "N-no thanks." Tord frowned from disappointment.

"Thomas Thomson?" "Y-yes?" "Dr.Why is ready to see you." Tom got up and walked behind her as she led him to Dr.Why's office. Tord watched as he walked away. "I don't want him to go." "It's alright Tord, he's only going to ask him questions and make sure he does have pancreatic cancer so that he can help him." Tord looked down at his feet, deeply worried about what would happen to Tom after its confirmed that he does have pancreatic cancer. "Hey. Why don't we call some of his family. Maybe they could help him through this. It would make him happy." Edd suggested. Tord sniffed, "y-yeah. Yeah! Let's do it!" Everyone looked at Tord as he stood up and yelled that. "Tord, sit down." He sat down and asked, "when do we call them?" "Let's go to the restroom." They got up and went inside a restroom. "Edd, do you even have Tom's relatives' numbers?" "Yeah. They came over once and said, 'call me if anything happens to my little Thomas.' When his mother said that he blushed. Anyways, I'm calling her, shut up." But I wasn't even talking, thought Tord. Tom's mother answered.
Tom's mother

Hello? Is this Tom's friend, Edd?

Yeah, hi (gonna use the name of one of my OC's) Amalia. We need to tell you something about To-

What happened to my precious Thomas?!

Please calm down. He's okay at the moment, but I'm not sure how to tell you this. He just told us today that he has pancreatic cancer. We thought it'd cheer him up to see some of his family come to see him.

Pancreatic cancer? Well, sure, we'll be there in an hour or two. Bye Edd.

Bye Amalia.

He hung up. "What was with all the screaming?" "She was just worried. Come on let's go back to the waiting room, they're going to be in an hour or two." They walked out of the bathroom and into the waiting room

People ran through the door and to the counter. Some yelling, "where is Thomas Thomson?!" Others yelling, "is Thomas Thomson okay?!" Edd and Tord got up. "Hey guys." They all stopped. "Edd! Do you know where Tom is?" "I'm pretty sure he's still with Dr.Why." Everyone walked to the waiting room and filled up almost one fourth of the room. It's not that there were that many people. It's just that the kids scared some of the people that they moved to another part of the room. They sat there for 3 minutes. Then, Tom came in. Tord was the first to get up and hug him. Edd was second. And third were all his relative's. He gasped when he saw them. "When did you guys get here?" "We came a couple minutes ago." Everyone let go and talked with Tom. Asking if he needed anything. Making sure he was okay. Helping him whenever he felt pained. And with all his relative's there, Tom felt safe.

But he didn't know about Matt's plan for Tord.

(A/N:  Word count: 1184. Another chapter. Sorry this was updated so late. I would've updated earlier, but I couldn't think of what to write. That's all for today, bye.)

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