Chapped and faded

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Tom woke up in the middle of the night from a pain in his back. "Great, another symptom of this damn cancer." He got up and reached for the floor, since this seemed to help with the pain. He stood up straight and felt uneasy. This had been happening for a while, he wasn't sure if it was part of the cancer or just himself. Sometimes he would also feel real depressed. Tom sat on his bed. He grabbed his phone from off the counter and went to Google. He searched symptoms for pancreatic cancer. He found a lot. Some of which haven't shown up yet. Things like



•Loss of appetite.



•Abdominal pain


•Urine becomes darker

Tom thought if he should keep on hiding this from his friends. He decided to tell them in the morning. Though he wasn't sure how they'd take it. Would they be mad that I kept this a secret? He fell asleep.

Tord shook Tom's shoulder. "Psst, wake up Jehovah's witness." Tom sat up and grunted. A slight pain went to his stomach. He clutched onto his stomach, groaning in pain. "Woah, you okay Tom?" He shook his head no. "I'll tell you about it after breakfast." "But... Alright."

They walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Edd, need any help?" "Good morning to you too, and yes, can you pass me that?" Tord looked over at the item. It was salt, he passed it to him and saw why. He was making scrambled eggs. "Anything else?" "Nah, thanks though." "No problem." Tord turned around, he was going to sit next to Tom, when Matt sat next to him. He growled and sat in the chair across from Tom. They exchanged a small gaze, before turning away, and hiding their blushing faces. Matt was disgusted at the scene. Edd set down a plate in front of all of them. Tom ate a bit, and like the day before, he lost his appetite.

They were all sitting on the couch, waiting for what Tom wanted to tell them. "So, what was it you wanted to tell us?" Tom sighed. "Well, I wanted to tell you guys something really important. Please don't be afraid or be angry at me because I didn't tell you earlier..." Tom stayed silent for a bit. No one planned on breaking it. He took a deep breath before telling them, "I-I, have... Pancreatic.... Cancer." "What?!" Yelled Matt and Tord. As for Edd, he just stared with wide eyes. He closed them and thought. Don't get angry, don't get angry. He breathed in and out. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier... I'm really, really, sorry." Tears started to form and fall down his cheeks. Matt was about to hug him, but Tord beat him to it. Tom immediately hugged back, crying on his shoulder. Tord rubbed his back and stuck his tongue out at Matt. "Come on guys, this isn't the time to be fighting," said Edd. Tord put his tongue back into his mouth and kissed Tom on the forehead. Which made him smile a bit. They let go and Tom wiped away his tears. Though he then remembered something, he's only had this for a few days, maybe it can be cured. "You guys think this can be cured? I've only had it for a couple of days." "It could be possible, I think one of my soldiers had pancreatic cancer, we cured it and left him to rest in his home for a while. But it can't be cured if you feel pain in your lymph nodes, has it been hurting there?" "Umm... Where are lymph nodes located?" Tord chuckled at Tom's little knowledge. He got close to him and said, "well, they're actually located all around the body. But the places with the largest groupings are here." He touched Tom's neck. "Under here." He pointed to his armpits.  "And I think here." He pointed at his groin areas. "Oh, well, no, I haven't felt pain in any of those places," stated Tom. "Well, there's still a chance we can cure it... One more question though. Have any other of your family members caught pancreatic cancer?" Tom thought for a bit. "No, so far I'm the only one." "Great, now, there's a little more of a chance this can be cured." Matt looked over at the two chatting, holding back rage. Edd noticed this. He put a hand on his shoulder and said, "come on Matt. He needs help on how he'll be able to cure this. I know none of us want him dead." Matt sighed at the statement.

"So, when do you think I'll have to go to the hospital?" Asked Tom. "Okay, alright, well, we'll see ya in a few hours. Mhm, okay, see ya doctor." He hung up. "He says we can go in two or three hours. Whichever one works for you." "Three hours. I want to stay with you guys for a while." Tord put his phone into his pocket, sat next to Tom, and hugged him tightly. Whilst, Tom hugged back as tightly, never wanting to let go. Alas, they had to. Tord let go but held onto his hands. He Peck Tom's lips and Edd stared in shock. "Wooo!!! You go Tord!" Yelled out Edd. Matt just sat there, crossing his arms from anger. He got up and ran to his apartment. "Umm.. I'll go check on him." Edd got up and walked to Matt's apartment.

Edd poked his head into Matt's room. He was on his bed, curled up in a ball and crying. "Hey, you alright?" Matt sniffed and shook his head no. "Hey, it's alright. We knew this was going to happen anyways. So, just... Dealt with the past, and live in the present." "Tord's not gonna live in the future." Matt whispered to himself. "What was that?" "Hm? Oh, nothing." "Okay, well, I guess I'll see you later today, or maybe tomorrow?" Matt nodded his head. "Okay, bye Matt." "Bye Edd."

Edd walked out of his apartment and into his. "So, is he alright?" Asked Tom, as Edd walked in. "Umm... Yeah, he's alright. But Tom, I've got to tell you something." "What is it?"

(A/N: I think 1045 words is enough for now. I don't really have anything else to say besides, see you in the next one, bye.)

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