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Tom laid in his bed as he remembered what had just happened. He couldn't believe Matt did that to Tord. And just so he could be with him. It was extremely shocking to him. He laid back on his bed.

Tord opened his eyes and saw that he was in a white room. He grunted and tried to sit up, but a pain was sent to his liver. Tord laid back down. A nurse came inside.
"It's great to see you alright sir."

"Ngh... What happened?"

"You were shot in the shoulder and liver. You're friends brought you here and we did our best to cure you, and succeeded. You'll be out if here sometime tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay." Tord said, a bit sad.

"Is everything alright sir?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, everything's alright."

"Alright, I'll leave you to rest now. Bye."


The nurse closed the door. Leaving Tord there lying on the bed. He looked up at the ceiling. He missed Tom.

His bedsheets were thrown off and he immediately awoke from the coldness that came and the warmth leaving. "Good morning Tom. Ready to go?" "Well, I still have to change and stuff, so no." "Oh, I'll leave you to that. I'm going to be in the living room. See ya." Tom waved bye and sat up as Edd left his room. He grabbed his pants and sweater and changed.

"I'm done. Are we going now?" "Yup. Come on." They walked outside and went to the car.

Tom buckled his seatbelt and sighed when the car started to move. He looked over at Edd and remembered when Tord was there and they were 'fighting'.

They headed into the hospital and waited for about twenty minutes in the waiting room. A nurse came out and said that Dr.Why was ready to see Tom. He walked with the nurse and went into Dr.Why's office.

Matt laid on the bed with his orange clothing. The other prisoner in there's name is Erik (I'm not creative). He's been there for a few months. Apparently he had murdered his family. Which scared Matt, he didn't dare go near him at times. A cop came and ordered them to get out. They did as they were told to and went outside.

"So Erik. Why exactly did you kill your family?"

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"It's alright if you don't want to."

"Why are you here? You look like someone that would never commit a crime."

"I loved someone so much I almost killed the person they loved. I feel awful for that."

"Is that person dead? Or just badly injured."

"Badly injured."

They worked and kept talking for a bit. Soon it was night and they were back in their cells. Matt had his head on the floor and was looking at everything in an upside down angle.

Tom came out of the hall and into the waiting room. Edd and Tord were sitting besides one another. Tord saw Tom and hugged him. "This happens every time." Tom chuckled. "I know. It's just that I feel so lonely without you," said Tord. They pulled apart and held hands. All walked out of the building and into the car. Tord sat in the front with Edd, and Tom slept in the backseat.

"So. Do you know why Matt tried to kill you?"

Tord sighed, annoyed at why Matt tried to kill him. "He wanted Tom for himself. I just don't understand why he can't leave Tom and me be."

"Don't worry Tord. I'm sure he'll learn his lesson. He's in prison right now, he won't get out until he wins his trial. Not saying that he will. Just saying that that's the only way he'll be let out."

Edd parked the car and the trio got out. Tord was forced to carry Tom since he hadn't woken up yet, and he didn't want to disturb his slumber.

Tord set Tom down on his bed. Once he was done, he went into the living room and went to sleep.

Matt opened his eyes and saw Erik sitting down on his bed. Laid back against the wall and hands behind his head with one leg over the other. "Mornin' Erik."

"Morning Matt. Sleep well?"

"Yup. When you said that it reminded me of one of my friends."


"In the morning whenever someone comes into the kitchen he always asks how they slept."

"Seems like a nice guy. Wish I had a friend like that. Now I have to stay in prison till I die."

They stayed silent for a bit. An officer came into their cell, "Matt Britishrole. You're trial will start in a bit." "Oh.. Uh, okay." The officer left and Matt was left thinking on what he'll say in his trial.

They sat on the couch and were watching The Children. Tom was beginning to grow bored. Edd and Tord were as well and wanted to do something. Though they weren't sure what exactly they want to do. Edd had then remembered about Matt's trial. He started to panic and Tord had seen him sweating.

"You alright Edd?"

"N-no. I just remembered about Matt. He's having a trial this afternoon."

"Should we go?"

"Well. You're the suspect aren't you? I think it's best we go."


They got up, but Tom didn't.

"Tom. Are you okay?."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. After the surgeon was finished with the surgery, he said I should rest."

"Oh, well, stay safe my dear Thomas."

He kissed Tom's forehead and left. Edd and Tord got inside the car and drove off.

Tord opened the door, he saw people sitting, and Matt with his lawyer. They were discussing matters. Like why he shot him. Was it self-defense? Or did he attack him? Tord sat at the table next to the one that Matt was sitting at. When Matt saw him, their eyes locked and Matt gave Tord a glare. He then turned his attention back to his lawyer and kept talking.
The judge hit his mallet and everyone stopped talking. The trial was about to begin.

(A/N: Got a chapter done. Yay? Anyways, I don't know how trials work so I think I'll need help from you guys. Or should I just skip til after the trial? I dunno. See ya in the next one, bye.)

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