Chapter 18

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"Are you sure this is gunna work?"

"Dude, when have I ever been wrong?"

"Do you really want me to answer that, Alex?"


Alex and Trevor were in the small kitchen of the hidden apartment, the club just below their feet booming as the new DJ, Kiwi 'Bad Wolf', set the turntables on fire as he did amazing remixes of top new songs. It seemed to be bringing in more club members in. Both the demigod and the halfling were crowded around the kitchen stove as a weathered cast-iron cauldron bubbled with a green ooze. Trevor, as a joke, purposefully wore his oldest lab coat, a pair of mad doctor science goggles, and had his hair look like he was struck by lightning. He hovered over Alex as she stirred the foul smelling substance on a low boil.

"But Igor! We need this to win!" Trevor laughed menacingly, leaning on Alex as he watched the cauldron brew. "Or else your not going to get your cut of the deal."

"Call me Igor one more time, Mad Doctor T, and I'm gunna make you do this!" Alex said, shoving Trevor off her as she added in a few more ingredients.

"Do you even know what you are doing?" Trevor said as he picked himself off the floor and rubbed the back of his head.

"I got the recipe for this from the Half-Blood Prince's Potion Book!" She said proudly, a big mushroom cloud forming as she added in a pinch of Percy and Nico's hair. " I can't go wrong with that!"

Trevor instinctually straitened, his playful smile disappearing to a look of confusion. "Isn't that a made up thing from Harry Potter?"

The tone in his voice itself made alex's lip curl into a snarl, his statement earning him a slap in the face with a wooden spoon. Fortunately for him, the skillet was out of her reach, or else he would have been on the floor knocked out.

"Foolish squib."

Trevor rolled his eyes, the spoon imprint turning red on his cheek. "You got sucked into the series too, haven't you?"

"Dude," Alex gave him a sideways 'are you kidding me?' look, threatening him with the wooden spoon. "I lived it thank, you very much."


The white haired woman rolled her eyes, stirring the mysterious potion as it slowly changed from putrid swamp green to vibrant neon blue. "You think that since you can find a centaur in real life, that you can't find a hippogryph or a dragon if you looked hard enough?" It took Trevor a minute to process what she was saying, but as soon as that lightbulb lit, he bombarded her with questions.
"When did you go to Hogwarts!?" He said, the dumbfounded look on his face making her smirk as she kept her eyes on the potion. " More like how didn't you get expelled, but whatever! Is there really wizards? Can you actually play quittage? Is Harry Potter actually a real person?!"

"First of all," She stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "There are no such thing as wizards, dumbass." She enjoyed his face falling into a disappointed look. " Hogwarts is a giant school for Halfbloods in Europe, basically the exact opposite of Camp Half Blood. J.K. Rowling used her amazing talents as a writer to create a cover story to fallow Harry and make him seem better than he was. Trust me," She said with a devilish smile. "that daughter of a Muse is great with pen and paper."

"So Harry is real?" Trevor said, a happy-go-luck look on his face. "How did they separate the godly children though?"

"Harry Potter was a Slytherin." Alex stated, her ear twitching as she smelt the potion. "They separate the kids by parent, then they place them in the houses. Aphrodite, Apollo, and any other not-helpful-unless-given-instructions gods' kids were put in Hufflepuff, Aphrodite, Artimies, and any other more-talented-than-the-avarage-person gods' kids were put in Ravenclaw, Aries and the any hot-blooded-fighting-war gods' kids were in Gryffindor, and Hermes and other slick-as-owl-snot gods' kids were put in Slytherin." She took one waft of the potion and gagged a little, the sweet sugary smell filling her highly efficient nose and burning the inside with how sweet it was. "Oh yeah. This is done!"

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