Let's Do It (Chapter 2)

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So I've had 20 different reads in the past 24 hours since I first posted it and I do have to say that is actually doing alot better than how my first two stories started. I hope this is going to be a great book that everyone loves.



I stand motionless as the best soccer coach in the nation tells me no to joining the team. I never even really thought of what I would do if he said no, so I'm a little speechless. My dad, on the other hand, is not and tries again to convince him with no prevail. The coach, who's name is Tyler Schmadt by the way, says I can't join the team without a tryout, and tryouts were two weeks ago. And it seemed he was kinda of a sexist, which also explains why there aren't any girls on the team.

I stare out the window, crushed. Thats when I see the boys jogging around the soccer field now. The soccer field is in plain view from this office room. So opened, and visible that if I... I smiled to myself, thinking of another way of getting into this school.  I excuse myself, telling them I will just be going to the car. They of course let me go, because I looked so rejected just a few seconds ago, they of course felt sympathetic.

I make my way around the school and towards the soccer field. I, of course, always wear some kind of soccer outfit. Today, just to make my dad happy, I decided to actually wear something nice, so I'm wearing black leggings that cut off just below the knee. My top is just two thin tank tops, with a shoulder wrap. To do what I plan to do, I slip off the shoulder wrap and drop it on the bench, just on the outskirts of the field. I grab a ball from the basket, as it sits ready for practice. I walk out on the field, feeling anxious but exhilirated at the same time.

the jogging boys stop in front of a pile of gym bags and stare, confused as to why a girl is playing with their soccer ball. I smile their way, glad to have their attention. I stop about midfield and glance towards what I hope is Coach Tylers window. I dropped the ball on the ground and steady it with my foot. I inhale and exhale for a few minutes, taking in the scene. I memorize every area, the length, the goalie nets, every inch of the field. it may all look the same, but everysingle field feels different to me, but it doesn't take long before I start moving the ball around.

I act as if I'm facing real, live opponents. Dodging the upcoming, flipping the ball in midair, the usual kind of stuff. It's when I get closer to the goalie net that it gets more complicated. One of the jogging boys comes in with a video camera, catching my every move in action. I smile his way, not missing a step. Thats when out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure moving my way and I turn towards it, waiting and watching, seeing what kind of move it will make. Thats when I notice its Gabriel Sonters himself, and he smirks when he see's me stumble just a little as I try to stop the ball.

We pause in front of each other, both breathing heavily as we try to assess who's going to make the first move. I was a little shook up because I didn't see this happen, seeing Gabriel facing me off himself, taunting with fake shifts of his feet. I watch his every move as my own skin is buzzing with the aniticipation of a really really good opponent, even though a small part of that buzz is because of the fact that its Gabriel Freaking Sonters!

He finally makes the first move, but I saw it coming and as his leg made a quick dash to my right leg, I used his momentum as an advantage and I shoved into him, sliding the ball between his leg and behind him. But some of my plan didn't work as much as I wanted. He's built like a brick! I stumble a little as I hit his rock hard chest and forearm, giving him enough time to get back on his feet. We both move towards the ball at the same time, but I get there first.

He may have been running for I don't know how long, but I've been running since I was 10 years old, alongside my father on our summer runs, before school, early in the morning. Anytime we had free time we would go for a run, and there was always a competition on who could run the longest before the other tripped over their own feet. I won every time. So when Gabriel and I were running for about 10 yards, I outran him with about three yards inbetween us before I got to the ball.  As I kept the ball downfield, it gave him plenty of time to catch up. When he did, we sure had one heck of a hoedown.

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