Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


It was dark and there was mist by the floor. I squint my eyes so that I could see on the dark room. With my squinted eyes, I could see two figures there but I couldn't see their faces. I walked forward slowly, until I saw one of the figures holding a small baby in its hands. He passed the baby to the other figure. I saw a glimpse of its face and saw that it's face was black. I looked closer and saw that the baby must be two or three years old.

"We have to give her away," one of the figures whispered. The voice was rough and deep with a dark edge, because of this it sounded like a man.

"Why? We could always use her for revenge," the other figure holding the baby whispered back.

"No, we can't. They are stronger than us and because we have their daughter they will kill us without a second thought!" the voice whispered back.

"What if we give her away but still keep an eye on her?" I felt a small leap of fear in my heart for the girl.

My thoughts were jumbled around like an incomplete puzzle. As I tried to figure out what they were talking about, I looked at the baby girl, whose eyes were red from all the crying.

"What are you trying to say?"

"What I am trying to say is that we let her go but we don't at the same time." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What did he mean by that?

"We will get caught!" The man said in a hushed tone.

"Not if we have a witch on our side," the person replied back and moved his head so that it was in the light. He laughed loudly, giving me a shiver of fear throughout my body.


I wake up to loud voices and things crashing. It sounds like metal. I open my eyes slowly to unfamiliar surroundings. I blink my eyes rapidly trying to take away the blurriness that was in my eye.

Where am I? I wonder and just like that last night's events came crashing down to me.

I was kidnapped!

'By a sexy god' a voice in my head says.

I shake my head trying to get rid of the voice that is telling the truth about how I am feeling.

'It is true and you know it is' the voice says again.

Ignoring the voice I quietly get up and look around the room. It is very dark so I can't see much. All I can see is an old wooden chair and old wooden table. On the table, there were glass pieces that looked like it used to be a mirror. I look around to see if there are any windows but all I see is an old-fashioned door.

There are pictures hanging by the door of a young, smiling couple with a baby. The picture was in black and white. It looks like it is probably more than a decade old.

I walk to the old wooden door silently and the loud voices seemed to get louder. I try to open the door quietly but the door just has to creak. It is like they have super hearing because suddenly it is very quiet. I try to walk back to the bed but his voice stops me.

"I know you are awake," he says. I slowly turn around to see the guy from yesterday that said mine. He is without a shirt and he is only wearing gym pants making him look hotter than he already is. He just couldn't stop getting sexier could he.

'You know you love it' that voice in my head again says.

'Shut up' I reply back, annoyed by how true the voice is.

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