Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Grief is the price we pay for love.

-Queen Elizabeth 2


"I said that the boy is my brother."

"I know what you said," Ace replied back.

"Then why did you ask?"

"Ugh, you can be so annoying!"

"Well, it's not my fault you are so moody today."

"Anyways. We are going to have a talk about what you said earlier after I come back" Ace said opening the eyes door.

"Stay safe!" I said and saw Ace smiled at me genuinely. As if it meant more to him.

"I will," he said back looking into my eyes. The way he looked at me spread warmth all over my body.

After Ace left I looked around the room for some source of entertainment but there was none.

I didn't know what else to do and I couldn't move my body so I just closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"I'm sorry to announce that the search for the princess is now officially closed. No evidence could be found of her whereabouts. We have asked all the supernatural beings around the world to look for her but after three years of searching and no evidence we believe she is dead" the man said to the crowd.

The royal family behind them at no emotions on their faces except their eyes. Their eyes gave everything away. You could see the sadness in each of their eyes

The king took his arm away from his mate's waist and walked up to the front of the stage.

"Thank you to everybody that helped search for her. We cannot show how grateful we are to see the loyalty you showed to our daughter. Many of you didn't even know her, but you still helped search for her, and we are very grateful for that. May she rest in peace" the king spoke our and clear to the crowd.

"Peace" the crowd replied in sync as if they practiced that.

Just like that everybody started to disappear. There was some that just clicked their fingers and were gone while others ran into the forest. Some turned into wolves and too as the vampires ran into the forest.

I opened my eyes to the sound of loud voices. It sounded like there was a fight outside. It went quiet for a second then there were gunshots heard and multiple screams from all over.

Before I could register anything, one of them came into my room and pointed a gun to my head.


Hey guys!!

Hope you liked it!!

Would love some feedback!!

Not edited!

If there are any errors just comment and I'll fix it :)


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