Chapter 7

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So I know I said I wouldnt upload until tomorrow but I finished this and I know its short but I wanted to end the chapter here and then I'll post again tomorrow. Vote and Comment please :) xxxx

I woke up at about 3am drenched in sweat and out of breath. I vaguely remembered my dream and shuddered at the thought. I pulled myself slowly out of the bed and dragged myself into the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and grimaced at the sight of myself, my eyes were surrounded by dark bags and my face was pasty white. I splashed some water on my face rubbing it softly I knew I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep so I put on some slippers and went for a wonder around the house. I still couldn’t get my head around how big it was for so few people but I also couldn’t deny it was beautiful, those boys sure had taste. Just as I entered the back living room that opened out onto forest my thoughts were interrupted by someone coughing behind me. I jumped out of my skin and spun around quickly to see Ash leaning coolly against the wall
“Scared ya.” He stated with a smirk playing on his lips
“That’s not very nice you know, you really surprised me.” I frowned, I hated being snuck up on especially at night and Ash just kept doing it, first at the party and now this.
“Can’t sleep?” I shook my head and he nodded in response
“Wanna see something cool?” He asked me with a eyebrow slightly lifted
“Okay. But no funny business I’m not in the mood.” I was serious, the last thing I wanted right then was flirting. He grinned like a Cheshire cat
“I swear no funny business. Unless you ask for it.” I rolled my eyes and followed him as he walked back into the house
“Go put something warmer on and some shoes, I’ll meet by the back door in 5.” With that he ran back up the stairs to his room. What on earth did this boy have planned? I sighed and trudged to my room. Pulling some sweats on I thought to how crazy my life had turned so quickly. Somehow in less than 24 hours I had ended up staying with 3 gorgeous and completely different guys in some country mansion far away from everything else I knew.
When I got to the back door Ash was already waiting there for me, he had also changed into warmer clothes and sneakers
“Come on then Aura, time to show you the major upside to living in the middle of nowhere.” I raised my eyebrows
“That came out a lot more crazy psycho killer than I intended.” He laughed and I laughed with him
“Just hurry up already you have me intrigued.” I stated as sassily as I could. Something about Ash bad me so much more ballsy than I usually was. We walked out the house and into the dark dense woodland, I tensed slightly at the cold and Ash quickly wrapped his coat around me
“Thanks, you don’t have to” I started but he cut me off
“Don’t worry about it darling just enjoy it, I’m rarely that much of a gentlemen towards women.” He smirked
“Ah I don’t believe that! You seem so sweet.” I said sarcastically. He laughed again and I smiled to myself, I was really started to like the sound of his laugh it was rich and happy and made my heart flip around a bit in my chest. Wait what was I on about? I didn’t like Ash that way, he was a complete player and besides I thought I liked Phoenix. I didn’t have long to think about before Ash quickly grabbed my attention again
“Okay Aura here we are. I know it’s a little Edward Cullenish to bring you to a forest clearing but I can assure you that I am not a vampire.” I took a moment to just appreciate my surroundings. It was breath takingly beautiful and possibly one of the most amazing things I had seen in my short life. Tall dark trees loomed around a small clearing meaning the light only came from the moon that at that time of night was directly above us. I noticed a small pond at one end and walked over to it, tiny frogs and life jumped around it and I heard animals in the distance
“Ash this is, I mean this is, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” I looked at him and again had the breath taken out of me. I never noticed how stunning Ash was. I mean I had but seeing him here under this light and surrounded by all the nature he fitted right in, he belonged here. Once again Ash had surprised me.

Thanks for reading! xxx

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