Chapter 18

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Hellooooooo Sorry for the wait GCSE's have started!!! I'm crazy busy studying :( It's short but I uite like it and it was fun to write :) Next upload will probably be next weekend at the latest :/ soooo much work to do and so little time Love you allll xxxxxx

1 hour later Mika, Roxy, Flint, Phoenix, Blaze, Ash and I were sitting around my dining room table munching down on pizza. We had tried to call Ethan but he had ignored all of the calls meaning he was probably seriously pissed at Mika but I’d hopefully deal with that tomorrow.

I know technically it wasn’t my problem but whenever any of my friends fought I was always the one who stepped in a mediated sorted out the problems and getting them to make friends again.

All this should take is Mika realising that she does have feelings for Ethan and stop her whorish ways. That will be incredibly hard the woman was like a female version of Ash. This is probably the reason they got along so well

“Oi stop thinking so hard, you’ll pull something.” Ash whispered to me. He was sitting next to me with Mika on the other side and Phoenix in front

“Haha. Very funny. And for the record it’s your fault I’m thinking this much, why did it have to be Mika you hooked up with? I’ve been making real progress getting her and Ethan together and know this happens!” He pulled a face

“Hey! You can’t blame me! I didn’t know did I?” I knew he was right but it was so annoying
“It is so your fault! You should know better than to hook up with random girls at parties!” He laughed
“It’s called living. You should try it sometime instead of leaving a party an hour into when it starts.” I rolled my eyes

“If you two are done with your whisper conversation your pizza is getting cold and I will eat it is you leave it any longer.” Flint said from the other side of Roxy. He had his arm around her waist as if it was the most natural thing in the world which made me think that maybe their relationship was more than friends with benefits

“I will once this moron shuts up and learns to mind his own business.” I stated glaring at Ash
“Ah you know you love me really.” He laughed and stuck his tongue out at me like a two year old
“No I don’t!” I stuck my tongue out back at him
“Yes you do” He said in a sing song voice
“Will you both shut the fuck up?” Mika shouted

“aha sorry, forgot there are some tender ears here, I was only trying to show Aura how much she loves me.” Ash said grinning charmingly at me

“I so don’t” I muttered under my breath making the rest of the table chuckle.

“So you’re defiantly feeling better then? I’m sorry again that I left after I couldn’t find you yesterday.” Phoenix said looking concerned, my stomach turned uncomfortably
“Honestly I just felt a bit sick, I’m fine now though, stop worrying!” I tried to smile comfortingly but I reckon it looked more like a grimace. He smile back however and leaned over kissing my cheek lightly
“We should go on a real date tomorrow.” He said suddenly, I noticed Blaze tense very slightly and my own hurt flipped a bit when I saw it. Pushing all thoughts of Blaze aside I tried my very best heart breaking smile and put on an enthusiastic voice

“That’d be good! We totally should!” I shuddered slightly at the fake Barbie tone that my voice took but Phoenix didn’t even seem to notice going on about what we should do

“Aurora? Aurora are you listening?” I looked up at Phoenix questioningly
“Huh? Oh sorry, I spaced out.” I smiled apologetically
“Aha don’t worry, anyway so yeah we should go see The Avengers! It’s supposed to be really good and I looked reading Marvel comics as a Kid.” I laughed completely believing that. I could imagine a child Phoenix sitting up in his room reading comic books for hours on end, he was probably a really cute kid

“Mmm Scarlett Johansson in leather...” I heard Ash muttered and I turned to see him grinning devilishly, I wacked him on the head lightly
“Oi keep those perverted thoughts to yourself at the dinner table!” I exclaimed
“Ahaha sorry Auri Pori! I couldn’t help myself!” He laughed and before I knew it I was laughing with him. Ash was a really easy person to be around, even if he was a perverted annoying bastard.

So a little bit of all the brothers. Who do you think she's really falling for? Let me know in your comments, just a thought the more comments the more likely I am to update, its not like I wont if I dont get any its just that I find it easier and better to write if I know that people like it :) Much love from Ziggy xxx

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