Chapter 29

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Hey peeps... soooo long time no see.... :P
for those of you who are fans you know why I havent been writing... It's a long story...
But I basically felt inspired to write this today which was nice
It's full of Ash time :D who I have to admit I'm starting to like more than Blaze!!!
Anyhoe ... Read on my little chipmunks and please leave your amazing thoughts behind you
even if they've got nothing to do with the story :P I love talking to you guys!!!

After crawling into bed and staring at the ceiling for two hours I eventually pulled myself up and got ready. I had to get out of the house, lying in bed wallowing in self pity wouldn’t help anyone and frankly i had no one to help me. 

I showered, pulled on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a hoodie and walked out the door. The beat up dirt path that led to the woods was deserted at this time as the sun was being to set. Maybe I should have been being more cautious about where i was going alone but frankly I knew that Niall and Megs wouldn’t physically hurt me.

They wanted me back. In one piece. Plus I was always the violence junkie of the group so I knew that if worse comes to worse I could take them on.
As the ever deafing silence rang in my ears I found myself wishing I had brought my Ipod. Or at least something to distract me from the thoughts that had been going though my head.

Just as that thought passed I began to hear the thumping sound of footsteps running closer. I held my breath for 2 seconds to get a better idea of how far and how fast the person was going. Deciding that it was most likely an evening jogger and not someone out to kidnap/murder me I continued to walk at my slow thinkable pace. It sounded like the runner was right behind me now and just as I was about to turn my head to get a better view someone whispered in my ear

“Hello Angel.” As quick as a panther I spun around and slammed my elbow into the person’s kidney. Then I looked down at the slowly crumpling person expecting to see Niall however I was graced with the face of a very painfully expression Ash
“WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” He yelled, eyes scrunched tightly together in pain. It had been a while but I still had the knack obviously

“Sorry. But everyone knows you shouldn’t sneak up on me.” I answered in a measured voice
“NO ONE TOLD ME YOU WERE A NINGA!” I laughed shakily at that after the emotion day I had had
“I’m not a ninja. I just don’t like it when people sneak up on me, what are you doing out here anyway?” He rolled his eyes and gestured to his body which was dressed in a pair of lose basketball shorts and a vest

“Is it not obvious? You know I wasn’t born with this amazing body. I do have to work for it. Anyway shouldn’t I be asking you that? You really shouldn’t be out here alone when its getting dark you know.” This time I rolled my eyes
“Ninja remember? Anyway I had to clear my head and this is the only place I can do that besides the clearing you took me too. But I can’t exactly go round to your place right now.” Ash frowned for a split second before speaking

“Ah now Phoenix’s little tantrum makes sense. He threw a lamp at Blaze earlier.” My eyes bugled. I hadn’t even thought about Blaze!
“Oh shit! Is he okay?” Ash laughed
“Worried about your little bit on the side?” I narrowed my eyes and Ash held his hands up in a apologetic way

“Chill I was just joking. Let’s be honest if you gonna have a bit on the side, between me and Blaze we all know who you’d chose.” I slapped his arm
“I didn’t cheat on Phoenix! Blaze turned up to the cafe and we had lunch together! That was all there was to it! But Phoenix won’t believe me!” Ash looked at me wide eyed by my outburst, he then proceeded to fling his arm around my shoulder and began to lead us away from the dirt track
“Come on Sunshine, you need cheering up.” I glared at him

“No. I need space.” I went to push him away but he only wrapped his arm tighter around me.
“No. You need to cheer up, now am I going to have to carry you?” I rolled my eyes and stubbornly crossed my arms across my chest. He raised his eyebrows and then paced towards me. I narrowed my eyes but before I had the chance to step back or push him away he had picked me up and flung me over his shoulder, fireman style.

“I swear to God you better put me down this second. Or I cannot be held responsible for my actions.” He just laughed and due to my current position the noise rumbled through his body and I felt the waves of laughter roll off him

“Sure Sweetie, now you just stay comfortable up there.” I tried hitting his back but all that ended up happening was me hitting his arse
“Now now if you wanted to touch my beautifully sculpted buttocks all you had to do was ask.” He laughed again, how did this guy manage to find so much funny?
“Ash. Put. Me.Down.” The blood was beginning to rush to my head in an extremely uncomfortable manner

“Okie Dokie.” I frowned but before I could question him I felt my body freeze as I plunged into ice cold water
“ARGHHHHHHH!” I splashed around attempting to pull myself out of the lake but it was hopeless as I kept slipping
“Hahahahaha. Smile for the camera Aura!” I glared up at him as the flash of his phone camera went off

“Ash help, I think I’m stuck!” I cried and looked up at him with a mask of panic. As quick as lightening he gave me his hand his face clouded with worry, however I acted quickly too pulling him into the water beside me

“That was sneaky. YOU ARE A NINJA!” I threw my head back and laughed loudly. I turned to tell him that he was just easily fooled, but the words and laughter died on my tongue as I saw the intense look on his face

“What? Is there something on my face?” I asked and he blushed ever so slightly, increasing my curiosity

“No, it’s just I’ve never seen you laugh like that before, you have a really nice laugh.” Now it was my turn to blush

“Oh, thanks. Come on let’s get out of here before we catch hypothermia or something.” With that I quickly pulled myself out of the water and rang out my hair. I heard him get out of the lake as well and together we started to head back to the house. 

Sooooo ???? VOTE COMMENT FAN ! MERCI :) xxxxxx
Diet coke or Coke???? Random but important question!!! 

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