Chapter 6

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Hello :) HAPPY PANCAKE DAY! I hope everyone has stuffed their faces silly because I know I have :P Sooo here is the next chapter, yes I know its a little short but its better than nothing :P the picture to the side is who I'm picturing Ash as :D Yummy I know xxx

“Should we wake her up?” I heard a voice whisper
“She might get cranky, I mean I’ve seen plenty of women get real bitchy after they get woken up.”
“Yeah but still, Molly said dinners ready and beside what if she’s hungry.” Food? If they were talking about eating I could be up in a minute. I heard the other voice leave the room
“Okay, Aurora? If you’re hungry dinners ready, but only if you want it.” I opened one eye
“Oh hello. Dinner’s ready come eat something.” Ash was sitting on the floor with his face next to mine. I was once again startled by how gorgeous he was but from the sounds of things he defiantly knew it
“Okay thanks, I’ll um be right down.” I got up and walked into the bathroom to just splash some water on my face to wake me up a little when a thought came to me
“Hold on, where exactly is the kitchen?” Ash laughed
“I’ll show you don’t worry, just hurry up I’m starving.” I smiled thank you and ran back into the bathroom throwing on a little bit of make up to cover up my eyes that were swollen from crying. I had forgotten how massive the house was and found myself really glad I had asked Ash or else I don’t think I would have ever found the kitchen. When we did get their Blaze and Phoenix were sitting on stools next to the island talking to an older lady who was getting something out of the oven
“There she is! How you feeling? We weren’t sure if you would want to be woken up but I see Ash took that into his own hands.” I laughed a little
“Thanks. I’m glad he did I’m starving!” The lady turned away from the cooker
“Good to hear it! I’m Molly by the way, nice to meet you.” She leaned over and shook my hand
“You too. It smells incredible what are making?” Wafts of garlic and tomato swirled through the air
“Oh it’s just lasagne dear! Nothing too special.” She put a dish down on the table
“Boys off those stools! Blaze get plates out of the cupboard, Phoenix knives and forks please and Ash why don’t you offer this lovely young lady a drink!” They all jumped up and got to work. It was quite funny seeing three practically grown men followed the orders of a tiny old lady
“Wanna a beer? Or coke or something?” Ash asked me a little uncomfortably. He obviously wasn’t used to girls seeing this side of him
“You know what after the day I’ve had a beer would be great.” He smirked and grabbed me one from the fridge he was about to hand the bottle to me before he reconsidered
“Glass or no glass?”
“What am I a princess? No glass. Just give me that dam thing.” He grinned cheekily
“My kind of girl.” Aha it was like I had pasted some sort of test. The other boys sat down at the table and Ash put a beer in front of Blaze and a coke for Phoenix
“What you don’t drink?” That was interesting
“I do but I’m still on meds for the thing so I can’t for another two weeks or so.” Ah that made much more sense
“So I don’t want to be insensitive but why are you staying here? I mean we don’t mind, at least I don’t your pretty hot so that’s all good but still.” Ash asked curiously completely unaware of the glare both Blaze and Phoenix were giving him
“You idiot she might not want to talk about it.” Blaze stated
“Nah it’s okay, I’m staying in your home so you have every right to ask.” I took a deep breath and they all looked at me expectantly
“I found out that I’m actually adopted. And my best friend and cousin or brother or whatever he is has been hiding it from me for years.” I stuttered over the last part, it had only been a few hours but I already missed Flint so much and the pain of his betrayal stung like a deep gash in my heart
“Oh God. Aurora I’m so sorry! Come here, hush don’t cry it will be okay.” I hadn’t even realised I was crying until Phoenix said that
“Sorry I don’t mean to bring all this drama into your lives I just couldn’t stay at home.” Ash nodded
“That’s understandable, seriously though if you ever just want to get your mind off things you know where my room is.” He winked and made me smile when Blaze hit him across the head
“Shut up you twat. She’s not interested. Aurora you can stay here as long as you want okay? Just make yourself feel at home.” He smiled kindly and started to eat hungrily. I forgot we even had food in front of us and quickly turned my attention to the delicious plate of steaming lasagne in front of me. After a couple of minutes of silent eating we were all done and Phoenix collected the plates
“I’m not washing up tonight. It’s Ash’s turn! He’s missed the last couple of nights.” Phoenix called out and Ash answered
“Its not my fault that I have an active sex life unlike you two sad losers!” I noticed Phoenix blush a little at that but it was Blaze who said
“We can’t all be man whores.” With that he walked out the door casually grabbing another beer from the fridge on his way. I laughed and grabbed the leftover dishes on the table
“I’ll wash if you just tell me where everything is, it’s the least I can do.” I carried the plates over to the sink
“Nah you’re the guest, don’t worry about it.” Ash said
“Yeah come on, lets go play some Ps3 or something.” He pulled on my hand leading me through the house until we came to a room with loads of beanie bags lying around and a massive flat screen T.V mounted on the wall
“So what we playing?” He asked me
“I don’t mind you choose.” He pulled out little big planet and loaded it up. We played for about 2 hours straight until I was yawning again
“You’re tired and we have school tomorrow, time for bed.” Phoenix said to me grinning slyly
“Okay okay I’m going.” I said as I got up. I brushed my teeth and changed into some PJs and lay down in bed and tried to get to sleep.

Let me know you thoughts as always :) and please leave ideas for the cast I want to put one up by the end of the week but I'm not 100% sure on everyone yet! Love you guys!! xxxxxx

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