Chapter 9

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Waloo! Sorry about the wait! Lifes been crazy as usual but I managed to finsh this and get it up! Thank you for the votes nd stuff! let me know what you think and I hope you like the chappie!! It's not proofread sorry... oh and would anyone like to make me a cover? I think the current one is a little plain its just something I made up quickly... thank you guys if you will :) xx

I woke up feeling a lot better. My head ached a bit from all of the crying but I knew what I had to do and with that thought I climbed out of bed and stretched slowly waking up all of my muscles. A yawn escaped and I heard someone chuckle behind me
“Sleep well?” Blaze asked smiling kindly at me
“Yes thank you, and thanks again for letting me stay.” They had all been so good to me and I really appreciated it
“No problem, honestly you can stay as long as you like don’t worry about it.” He said with an easy grin
“It’s nice having a girl around who isn’t sneaking out of Ash’s room with her head hung in shame.” I laughed with him before saying
“Thanks but I think I’m going to go and see my cousin today, we never been apart for more than a day really and we need to sort things out or else I think I’m going to go crazy missing him.” Blaze nodded understandably
“Yeah I get that, who is your cousin? Phoenix mentioned something about him and he sounded vaguely familiar?” I was a bit taken back at that, how did Phoenix know Flint?  I’m sure I’ve never brought him up properly before
“His names Flint, Irish the musician? Ring any bells? I don’t remember talking to phoenix about him though.” His face brightened
“Oh Flint! I do know him! He owns the old Chevy impala doesn’t he?” I nodded, “Yeah he comes by the mechanics a lot for that old thing.” That made sense because that car sure did have issues
“Oh right, yeah she sure does have a lot of problems but I guess he’s attached to it now.” Blaze smiled lazily, he actually looked a lot like Ash when he smiled like that
“That’s normal. I know for sure that I wouldn’t want to give up my Harley or truck now, too many stories and good times.” I smiled in agreement and nodded while starting to pack up my stuff
“Would it be okay for me to just have a quick shower before I get out of your hair?” I asked wanting to be polite
“Oh sure, sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt you or anything, I just wanted to check on you after yesterday and apologize for Ash, he means well but just takes a bit of getting used to.” I noticed that he did seem genially sorry about Ash, I could tell from the way his eyebrows pulled together when he mentioned his name. It was worry, obviously Blaze didn’t like Ash’s playerish ways very much
“Don’t worry about it, I bumped into him last night when I couldn’t sleep and he was sorry. He even made up for it by taking me out to that clearing in the forest.” Blaze’s head snapped up at that and he was clearly surprised
“What? Ash took you to the clearing?” I nodded slowly, shit maybe it was a family thing or something
“Sorry I didn’t realise it wa-“ I began apologizing but he interrupted me before I could continue
“No No it’s not anything like that, it’s just that Ash never let anyone out there. It’s his space if that makes sense. He must really like you.” A bit of heat rose to my cheeks at hearing that. Ash doesn’t like me! He doesn’t know me
“Nah, he was just making up for upsetting me.” I said walking towards the bathroom
“Hmm sure.” I heard Blaze mumble before hearing footsteps walking out the door. I turn on the shower and allowed the hot water to completely unwind all of my muscles instantly relaxing myself. My thoughts wondered to Flint, I had to approach him carefully I wasn’t sure yet how I felt about the whole thing but I knew that to most extents it wasn’t his fault and I couldn’t go much longer without talking to him.
When I got out of the shower I pulled on some jeans and a hoodie and dragged my bag downstairs
“Phoenix?” I shouted, I could hear faint footsteps approaching and soon enough Phoenix’s head popped around the corner
“Hey what’s up? Do you need a lift to school? I’ll be leaving in about 10 minutes.” He said quickly
“Nah it’s okay, I don’t think I’m gonna go in today. I need to talk to Flint.” He nodded understandably
“Yeah that’s probably a good idea, well I’ll get your car and everything.” I smiled gratefully and gave him a quick hug
“Thank you so much Phoenix, really I don’t know what else I would have done.” He looked down at me and began to lean closer in, oh my god! He was going to kiss me! Just as his face was centimetres from mine someone interrupted
“Oh you already going?” I looked to the doorway where Ash was leaning eating an apple and grinning cockily. Instantly heat came to my cheeks and my face light up like a Christmas tree
“Yep, I think it’s time I got out of your way.” I said flustered
“I don’t mind you being in my way at all Angel, the more I see of your hot body the better.” My face got even redder
“Stop being a pig Ash, your embarrassing her!” Phoenix exclaimed
“Sorry sorry, I’m just stating the facts.” He winked at me and left shouting
“See you soon Angel!” Over his shoulder
“I’m sorry about him, he can get a bit much sometimes but he means well I promise.” Phoenix said practically repeating word for word what his brother had said earlier
“Umm, I’m used to it. Boys will be boys after all won’t they?” Guys were always staring at my chest and legs rather than my face. Not that I was exceptionally pretty or anything but to be honest as long as you had boobs I don’t think they really cared
“Not all guys are like that you know.” He said sweetly and my thoughts were brought back to our earlier moment.

Ohhh so phoenix and Aurora might be getting together???? what you think? And what about Ash's strange behaviour? :P Vote and Comment pretty please with a cherrry on top xxxxx

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