Chapter 17

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Hey guys time just completely flew away!! Before I know it its practically the end of the week! sorry I didnt get a chance to do that upload life is just crazy. This is short but I wanted to end the chapter here because it just felt right, u know? anyways a few things before you read on PLEASE PLEASE drop me comments I love reading them even if there just little things like you lke where its going or something. I adore the people who comment they're always cute and sweet :) so thank you guys who are leaving comments xxxxxxx and please others drop some :))))))

We had decided on watching a cheesy romantic comedy called Whatever It Takes and were about 20 minutes in when Roxy came into my room. Her hair had been washed and tamed but she was in her dress from last night and had a hickey on her neck
“You want to borrow some clothes to go home in?” I asked, it weirded me out knowing she spent the night with Flint but still she was one of my best friends and no good friend let their friend do the walk of shame home
“Yes please. I love you!” She pulled a funny face that was somewhere inbetween a begging puppy dog look and a cheesy grin
“Aha I know, just don’t ever pull that face again!” She laughed and wondered over to my closet to find something that would fit her tall frame
“By the way, who are the guys in your living playing X-box?” She threw a look at me over her shoulder
“What? I dunno, I thought everyone had left...” I started to get up to go check
“Ooh I’m coming! I wonder if there fit?” Mika exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, there was only ever one thing on that girls mind
“Come on then.” We went down the stairs and as we got closer we could hear two distinct voices shouting abuse at eachtoher that seemed to revolve around FIFA
“NO! There is no way that counts!! This game is so stupid.” I laughed when I came into the room to find Blaze and Ash sitting cross legged on the floor. At the sound of it both their heads whipped round to look at me
“Oh hi. We were going to leave but we found your X-Box and ours is broke and then we kinda got carried away.” Blaze tried to explain
“Aha don’t worry, I still owe you guys for letting me stay over last week, make yourselves at home.” He smiled and I noticed Ash hadn’t said anything but was shooting a flirty smile over my shoulder. Oh yeah I forgot Mika was there
“Oh sorry, guys this is Mika, Mika this is Blaze and Ash Phoenix’s brothers.” She smirked
“Ash and I are actually already acquainted.” Then it clicked together
“Wait Ash is the guy you hooked up with last night?” I asked and Blaze raised his eyebrows
“Yes I sure am, so your name is Mika then?” He asked causing Blaze to roll his eyes at the same time as me
“uhuh nice to see you again.” Mika laughed
“Hold on I thought you brought that girl, Abby or Amy or something with you last night?” I noticed Mika didn’t seem at all bothered by this
“Yeah I did, but she wasn’t any fun, unlike Mika here.” That made me snort
“Yeah I’m sure fun is the word.” I muttered sarcastically and Mika elbowed me
“Hey! I’m no slut!” This made me laugh again
“I’m sorry I know you’re not, but I can’t help making fun of you!” She smirked
“Hmm well just remember who left their boyfriend last night” That caused me to let out a sigh
“You’re right, anyway do you guys want to stay for dinner we’ll probably all get take out” I was too tired to cook and Flint hadn’t even got out of bed yet
“Yeah sure, if that’s cool with you?” I nodded enthusiastically
“Of course it is or else I wouldn’t be offering! I’ll give Phoenix a call as well.” I left them to the X-box and went to find my phone to do just that.

So yup you see why I wanted to finish it there but I'll hopefully get to update sometime with a decent time period



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