Chapter 3

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Some men in bio-hazard suits, rushed over with a gurney. They had to squish through the sea of people just to get to Mike. It took two doctors to restrain Mike enough to get him onto it. I was no doctor, but I was pretty sure you weren't supposed to try to move someone while they are having a seizure.

"Hey!" I yelled to the suited men. "Should you be moving him right now?"

They studiously ignored me as they strapped Mike down and shoved us out of the way, as they carted him off to one of the rooms down the hall.

"Hey!" I yelled again but it was to no avail.

Mike was still thrashing around when they opened up one of the doors and tried to push the gurney in but before they could, another patient rushed out of the room snarling and trying to claw at them. From the surprise, the doctors lost their grip on Mike and he was pushed up against the wall as the doctors tried to subdue the crazy patient. The deranged man had waxy, grey skin and his eyes were beyond blood shot; almost as if all the vessels in his eyes had burst. His mouth was stained with red, as were his clothes and hands.

One of the doctors howled in pain as the man's teeth sunk into the arm the doctor was holding him with. I guess those suits weren't teeth proof. The suited man tried to pry the lunatic off, but he was on there good and didn't look like he was going to let go anytime soon. The other doctor stood still for what seemed like forever and then took off running in the opposite direction. This is when all hell started to break loose.

All the patients around us started to panic and screams soon erupted all over the waiting area.

"Bailey!" Zoe yelled, as she was shoved out of the way as people started to run all over the place.

I tried hard to keep track of her, but was soon lost in the crowd of scared people trying to get off this floor. I found myself being ushered against my will towards the hallway, where the deranged patient was now fully on top of the suited doctor; his blood was running down the sides of his suit and pooling around him.

The crazed man on top of him suddenly snapped his head up, chewing and snarling at the same time. Red stained pieces of the doctor's suit were sprayed all over the place. The sick man scrambled up and lunged at the group of us being pushed towards him. I felt panic grip my body as the man started to rush us. People screamed, arms and limbs where bumping into me from all directions; someone was shoved callously right at the approaching crazy patient.

"Help!" The woman screamed. For whatever reason, that I could not explain, I reached out and tried to pull her back.

But it was too late. The man latched onto her like he had the doctor and soon her screams turned into whimpers then stopped all together, as the blood poured from the bite wound in her neck. The doctor, who had been viciously attacked, started to sit up slowly and I knew that meant it was time to run. Putting the terrified face of that woman out of my mind, I tried to shove my way back through the crowd towards the stairs. I found that if I stuck close to the wall, I was better able to move through the crowd.

I frantically looked around for Zoe, but I couldn't see her over the mass amounts of people. Her straight, black hair was camouflaged among the sea of heads, even though she stood at over 5'10. She managed to make me look short at 5'5.

"Zoe!" I yelled as hard as I could over the chaos, but if she heard me I got no reply.

I had to make my choice fast. Did I keep trying to search for Zoe in here and possibly get trampled to death or try to get out and hope Zoe did the same? Soon that choice was made for me, as the doctor in the bulky bio-hazard suit, joined in the fray attacking people. His teeth were rendered useless, as the face shield protected the unfortunate individual he had grabbed. It looked like the woman who had her neck bitten was starting to convulse on the ground as the virus racked her body.

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now