Chapter 12

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I slept like the dead that night, pardon the pun but it was true. We all did. The lack of sleep from the previous nights and the constant stress really did a number on a person; I even slept through Zoe's snoring. The others were already up by the time I rolled out of bed, following the very welcome smell of coffee. It was only instant coffee but I gratefully accepted the cup from Ethan as he passed me a steaming cup. Chloe was up in the loft keeping an eye out the small window, if anyone saw anything it would be her. John was tinkering with the CB radio he brought, trying to get it to play anything but static.

"How long have you been at that?" I asked after downing about half the cup of coffee.

"Not too long, 'bout five minutes or so," John answered.

"And still nothing?" I asked.

"A few words here and there but unless I know the frequency I'm looking for, it's just a shot in the dark," John shrugged.

"You got a radio in here or anything?" Taylor asked scanning the room.

"Here," Chloe said as she climbed down from her perch.

She placed the plastic, bright pink radio on the counter.

"Better than nothin'," Taylor shrugged and flipped the on switch.

Immediately the room was filled with yet more static but as he scanned down the channels a voice soon caught our attention but was gone to soon.

"Go back," Ethan said jumping right next to Taylor.

Carefully, as if he was doing surgery, Taylor turned the knob back and the needle barely moved.

"...indoors as much as possible. Gather all the supplies you can and wait for further instruction. Again, we repeat, under no circumstances are you to engage the infected. The virus is passed through contact and is not air born. All those with firearm licences are strongly encouraged to obtain a weapon, only to be used in the case of extreme emergencies. We ask that you hold tight until the military is able to make it to your region, we are doing what we can to stabilize the remaining population and restore order. Keep strong and God bless.........This is an emergency broadcast. The date is February 13th, 2013 at 8:15 am and martial law had been declared. The President has fallen and Vice President, Mr. Biden has taken the position in this grave time to lead our great country. The virus has gone international and now has been classified as epidemic in proportion. You must avoid infected at all cost and try to stay indoors as much as possible..."

Taylor flicked off the radio when it started to repeat. It was clear the message was on a continual loop.

"That was yesterday," Zoe said quietly.

"Holy shit, the President is gone," Darren said in disbelief, leaning further into the couch.

I was no expert but I was pretty sure the situation must be quite dire for them to announce something like that. I noticed how they didn't tell us to go anywhere like the newscast had a couple of days ago. Either they thought we really were safest in smaller numbers or there was no safe place left standing to go. I looked down into my coffee cup wishing I had something stronger, maybe some tequila.

"I can't believe they were encouraging folks to get guns," Ethan said astounded.

"A situation like this is unprecedented, basically they're sayin' we're on our own," John said placing his cowboy hat on his head, "Well if we are going to go around armed, we best get some practice."

"Why do I have the feeling that was aimed at me?" I grinned despite the grim newscast and everyone chuckled.

"Cause it was," Darren smirked back, pushing himself off the couch.

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now