Chapter 7

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We rounded the back corner of the school, to see the empty back field that was covered in overly green grass. We passed the football field that had been trampled over from constant use, the bleachers casting a shadow over the destroyed field. I could see movement underneath the bleachers and tapped Ethan on the shoulder and nodded towards the seats. We widened our berth from the bleachers as we passed, hoping to not catch the attention of whatever was lurking beneath them.

The grass silently crunched under our feet but I failed to notice the soda can, since my attention was so focused on the figure. All eyes whipped to me as the aluminum crumpled and I winced at the sound. We could hear and see the shuffling as the figure appeared from under the benches. The man's arm hung limply as he staggered towards us and we started to back up and run. With Zoe leading us to the back fence that surrounded the school, we ran like we were being chased, which in a way we were. The infected ambled towards us, it's one good arm raised to grab us but our speed easily outran him in his condition.

When we reached the chain-link fence, Ethan hoisted Chloe over first then Zoe and I went next. I landed on the other side hard, catching myself on the metal links before I fell over. The fence rattled with all the movement and the infected took this as a sign to speed up. Seeing this, Darren and Ethan quickly hopped over and joined us on the other side. With his blood stained fingers sticking through the chain-links, the infected snapped at us but posed no threat seeing as he was not able to climb over. He just continually rattled the fence trying to get to us.

"He can't climb over right?" Chloe asked as she stared wide eyed at the infected.

"Naw," Ethan said. "But let's keep going."

I looked back at the man one last time, as we headed towards the parkade. It was as if he couldn't comprehend how to get to us, he either wasn't in good enough condition to climb over or didn't even think to climb over. Either way, it was of benefit to us. He just stood there rattling the fence and snarling as we got further away. I wondered just how long he planned on standing there, but I guess we wouldn't be there to find out.

The parkade was a giant cement building about five floors high; I could see the gleam of the cars reflecting through the openings. The booth at the entrance was empty of the operator and so we just ducked underneath the yellow and blacked stripped bar to get inside.

"I'm parked on the third floor," Ethan said as he readjusted his backpack on his shoulders.

We followed him over to the door labeled 'stairs' and started up the cement steps. The stairwell was dark, barely lit by the tiny windows slits. Relief washed over me as Ethan opened the third floor stairs and light poured in. We passed by parked vehicle after parked vehicle, until Ethan stopped at an older model of a Chevy Silverado. It was in good shape, no rusting anywhere on its black paint job.

"How much gas do you have?" Darren asked, throwing his backpack into the truck bed.

"Had a full tank before we drove down here," Ethan answered throwing his own backpack then Chloe's beside Darren's.

"We should probably fill up and get extra gas before we leave the city," I said, not sure if I wanted to throw my backpack with the rest or have it with me in the cab.

"We have lots of gas stored at our cabin," Chloe said.

"Purple gas?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, how'd ya know?" Chloe asked and I eyed Zoe suspiciously.

"I grew up in the country." She shrugged.

"It's like I don't even know you." I feigned a look of horror.

"Shut up and get in." Zoe rolled her eyes at my comment.

We jumped into the truck, with Zoe in the middle seat and Darren and I on either side of her in the back. There was a surprising amount of room considering the truck didn't have an extended cab. I looked out the back window longingly at my backpack, wishing I had brought it in here with me. If I lost that, I really had nothing with me. Ethan started the vehicle and Chloe buckled herself in. We made it down to the first floor only to be stopped by the yellow and black bar and with no one operating the booth, it just stood in our way.

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now