Chapter 8

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We pulled into the gun shop's parking lot and by parking lot I mean gravel pit. There was only one other vehicle in the parking lot; a small Mazda.

"Well at least this place doesn't look touched," Darren said as he peered out the window.

Ethan and Chloe hopped out and opened the cab doors to let us out as well.

"At least from the outside," Ethan said, the crowbar gleaming in the sunlight as he moved it. "I'll go in first and scout the place out. Make sure it's empty."

"But..." Chloe grabbed his arm.

Ethan kneeled down so he was talking to her face to face.

"It's gunna be fine. You stay here and keep an eye on these folks, ok?" He said calmly and she nodded in response.

"I'm going with you," Darren said but Ethan shook his head.

"I want you out here in case one of those things come roaming by," he stated.

"I'll go with you," I said and even I felt surprised at my words; I wasn't one to voluntarily put myself into danger.

Ethan nodded and started towards the front door. I looked at Zoe, who was giving me look that I had a hard time placing. I caught up to Ethan, who was already at the front doors.

"Do you think we should just go in the front doors?" I asked, peering into the dark store.

It looked like they weren't even open.

"Let's see if there is a back door," Ethan suggested.

Gravel crunched under our feet as we made our way around to the back. The grass was overgrown but a worn footpath led us straight to the back door. It was old but had a huge deadbolt right above the handle. Ethan raised his crowbar to wedge the door open but I grabbed his arm.

"What if this place has an alarm? We will attract everything within miles."

Ethan seemed to think it over then said,

"What if it doesn't?" I made a face at his comeback. "And if it does, let's just make sure we are gone before anything gets here."

"This is a gun store, they'd be stupid not to have an alarm," I pointed out.

"Exactly, this is a gun store. In the south. Who'd be stupid enough to rob 'em?" Ethan asked, proud of his reasoning.

"Fine, do what you want," I muttered and he jammed the crowbar in between the door and frame.

With a few moments of him grunting at the exertion, the door flew open and the door frame splintered into the air. The dead bolt was still sticking out of the door but now there was a giant whole in the frame where the bolt tore through. We held our breath as we waited for an alarm or infected to greet us but after counting to sixty, nothing happened.

"Well looks like there's no alarm," Ethan said, slightly smug and I just rolled my eyes at him.

Hesitantly we walked into the building, me right behind Ethan. The old wooden floor creaked under our weight making my heart jump into my mouth with every step. The air smelt of sulphur and bleach; this is what I assumed a cleaned up murder scene would smell like. The back entrance lead straight into the employee only area; as evident by the employee lounge and office we passed. Both rooms were empty of people. The hallway led to the sales floor which was covered, wall to wall in guns. Huge rifles and shotguns lined the walls and the display counters were packed with handguns, knives and ammo. Ethan shot me a huge grin and I could only imagine this was like his version of a candy shop.

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now