Chapter 5

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We had found our way over to a corner with some cots and claimed it as our own. As I slid my backpack off my shoulders, much to my back's relief, I looked around the area we were ushered to. The main gym had been full so they started putting people in this multipurpose/lunch room, which is where we were currently located. The cheap florescent lights made everything appear clinical and I wondered how long they expected us to stay in here for.

All the family's and groups of people mainly stayed to their own area, no one was in the mood to socialize. It was extremely loud in the cramped area with kids screaming all over the place. It reminded me of going to the mall on a weekend; I hated malls for that same reason.

"We should have just stayed at the hotel," I said as a screaming herd of kids ran by, "At least it would have been quiet."

"Yeah but at least we have supplies and protection here," Zoe pointed out.

Which was true but being among so many people was making me nervous. I was never a people person and being around this many people, in this smallish space was not my forte; especially in light of the situation. I found myself eyeing up people, looking for any telltale signs that they were sick.

"You keep looking at people like that, you're going to freak them out," Darren grinned at me.

"So? I don't want to be attacked in the middle of the night," I said, "Not that I will be able to sleep in this anyways."

"I'd be more worried about getting robbed," Darren said.

"Thanks, now I really won't sleep," I muttered and Darren chuckled.

A table was set up that had an emergency worker handing out wrapped sandwiches to people so Darren and I went to get in the line before the crowd of people amassed over to it while Zoe stayed behind to watch our stuff and claim our territory.

We grabbed our sandwiches, taking an extra one for Zoe and headed back to our corner. I took a bite and chewed, grateful for some real food. We sat in silence eating, just looking around. Cots and people were everywhere; the space was extremely loud as a result. I hoped that maybe we could sneak off into a classroom to escape the noise that would no doubt carry through the night. Why did I always seem to make these types of decisions and end up instantly regretting them? Kind of explains the English degree....

I finally noticed all the police presence stationed all over the large room. None of them seemed to be helping, just looking around with a stern eye with their hands on their holstered guns. I found that odd, it was almost like they were just waiting for someone to turn. One uniformed officer went around to the others saying something to all of them and then pulled the megaphone he had in his hand to his mouth.

"Quiet down please everyone. In a few minutes we are going to play a broadcast from the national news due to the numerous requests for information," His amplified voice boomed over the room causing the noise level to fall considerably.

"Do you think it will be real?" Zoe asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well if they are just playing it over the intercom it could be anyone," Zoe pointed out as if it was obvious, "You know to placate people and not cause panic."

"For once you could be right," I said and Zoe punched me in the shoulder.

I rubbed my sore arm as Darren chuckled at us. My sarcasm aside, Zoe could be right. Isn't that what the government did in emergencies? Lie to the public and justify it by saying they did it so not to cause panic? A few minutes later, the intercom crackled to life, a feminine but stern voice carrying through the now muted noise:

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now