Dear Reader

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Dear Reader,

Firstly, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book. It means a lot that you would use your own time to read something of mine. This quick note is just to get some things out of the way so you can read and hopefully enjoy it.

Firstly, I’m a teen so if you are expecting hot, steamy sex scenes then you will be disappointed. I’m sorry, but I would like to make that clear that I’m not experienced enough to write that and it’s also a little awkward for me. Anyway, I will hope you enjoy the character development, plot and romance I hope to include and I appreciate feedback.

Secondly, in terms of historical accuracy I have not studied the century (1700’s) and this story is based on several ideas. There is some of my own knowledge from a brief history lesson but mainly from research based online. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a wide range of sources (I have recorded the sources of the book if you would like to see.) however I assure you I have used more than just Wikipedia. (Although it is good for a foundation basis) If you see any major flaws which make it unrealistic, feel free to tell me.

In terms of context I think the basics need to be established. The year is 1795, slavery is legal in the UK and it is quite uncommon. There were freed slaves whom mostly lived in poverty, and there were some supporters of black equality. The society is still class and heritage bound, and many people (as indentured servants) are travelling to the New World (Americas) for a chance to succeed in their lives. Women are still seen as the inferior sex, and black people as the second class citizens, therefore please be aware that it is not all ‘equality and justice for all’ because that would be unrealistic.

However, I want to show how people from diffrent cultures can come together because there are some things everyone needs- regardless of race, colour or background, which is love.

Onto my ideas, truly it is based on one thing which I have always been in strong support of: Interracial relationships and marriage. In terms of historical (Unless looking into the 1900’s), it is not an easy topic. But once I saw this ‘loophole’ I eagerly wanted to develop it into a story of my own. Whilst researching aspects of the story I saw a lot of opinions which actually shocked me. Images, is one of the things which help me write, and whilst I was looking for some a link from an image to an article disappointed me. I also read forums which condoned interracial relationships, but also different groups of people. There were debates on why white men are hated by black women.... I’ll say nothing more on the topic. Which in the end actually encouraged me to continue writing it, and here I am.

These aren’t my only inspirations though, I have five main I would like to point out, because I probably wouldn’t have discovered writing without them. I’m not sure if this is illegal in ‘writing law’ to dedicate it to five groups, but I’m going to- because I’m a rebel.

1. Firstly, the history department in my school (Mainly my GCSE and Year 9 History teacher) they are amazing, and so dedicated to helping our year out.

2. The library department at my school as well, I would have never found my love for reading and eventually writing without them.

3. The English department in my school- more specifically my English teacher, she has made me feel more confident in my abilities and achieve the grades I want.

4. My parents, I know this is an overly used one, but they encourage me to go for my dreams and one was to write this book.

5. And finally, my amazing friends deserve a big hug (from me not you). There are friends who make you feel sometimes insecure about yourself, but once showing my friends how much writing means to me they supported me all the way. Even helping me pick out the cover for this story.

Sincerely yours,


The Girl With The Sunset Eyes {Historical Interracial Romance/ #1 Blake Series}Where stories live. Discover now