Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My mum

Dedication: Happy Mother's Day mum, I love you and thank you for everything you do for me.

Chapter 7

William swore, he cursed his life into the fiery depths of hell. “Blake, watch where you step!” He shouted at himself and shook his head. He looked at the small hole in the ground, and searched around for the bullet. The little piece of equipment which could of killed him.

He could not find it and he crouched down and tried to see if he could find it. Damn! He could see nothing but the dirt around him and the fact that it was too dark to see in detail. William remembering that he had almost been shot ran up the road, carried on running whilst abandoning his pursue of the bullet.

Once he was off the floor, and he had brushed off the dirt, his legs still carrying him, William tried to gain some information from the carriage. The carriage rode away, coming from the direction of his house, and William continued towards his house. He was at the long, straight hill that would lead him to his house.  He looked at the gun in his shoe and then looked at the dark sky, he was an idiot.

He walked up his road; passing his aristocratic neighbours, his business associates and the rich and wealthy. He kept glancing back but still didn’t want to cower in fear; he would continue walking as he wished. He passed houses with foreign plants, some with servants clearly working and others with parties.

He felt another slap of air and then turned around again. There was another carriage, someone going home. William stood watching as he clambered out the carriage, he looked at William and tilted his hat. William bowed and he walked into a house which was about five from his.

William waited till he was gone before feeling the white cement of his banisters. It was smooth and icy cold from the ice. On both sides he gently ran his hands as he walked up. It hadn’t begun to snow, but William knew it would begin soon. He walked up the four stairs that led to his house door, before unlocking it.

He shut the door behind him, feeling weary.


Katherine was working in the kitchen, cooking. It was just after sunrise and she was preparing breakfast for William. He hadn’t gone into work, and he had rung the bell for breakfast.  Katherine sprinkled some cinnamon into the porridge, and placed a smaller bowl of honey next to it. He was not one for lavish breakfasts and it meant she had less work to do.  She stirred the cup of tea, and put the bowl of sugar next to it. The tray filled, she put the newly ironed newspaper beside it before heading upstairs to Master Blake’s room.

He had returned late yesterday night and it seemed to make him want to be idle the next day. Katherine did not question him, she had no right to, but she still tried to make his day as bright as possible. Yesterday had been a great day for her, she had woken up from her nap and cooked. Once she had finished she had begun altering one of the dresses she had been given and spent the rest of the day very happy.

Now she had work, and she had arrived at Master Blake’s room. She opened the door and glanced at William’s morning form. “Good morning sir,”

“Good morning Katherine,” She brought the tray inside and placed it on his lap. Adjusting the handles on the side to allow it to rest on his bed, she worked quickly and quietly. 

Her hand brushed on his her hand was warm especially compared to his. He wanted to hold on a little bit longer, but his stomach over took him, and he inhaled the delicious scent of his meal.  He looked up at her face. “How are you feeling?”

“I am well.” She replied, her hands shaking at his touch.

He had been more intimate with her than her old master had. She did not know whether to be frightened or to be happy. She could eat as much food as she liked, clean and then prepare his meals. He did not question her, or beat her or rape her. But she was curious, and that was a grave mistake. His voice snapped her out of her train of thought, she was here to work.

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