Chapter 29: Travelling

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When she looked out the small window she could see houses and cars slowly growing bigger and bigger. She checked her seatbelt again and leaned back against the back of her chair. Landing was not one of her favourite parts of flying and she would be glad when they were safely on the ground. She looked sideways and the man sitting next to her was finally sleeping, why couldn't he have done that sooner? He had been bugging her the whole flight, explaining why Italy was the best country that had ever existed. At first she had been polite, but after a few minutes she had put in her earphones, trying to drown out his voice. Sadly he hadn't mind that at all and happily went on talking to her. Cautiously so she wouldn't wake him she grabbed her bag and put her book and earphones away. A feeling of excitement spread through her body when she spotted the passes in her bag, they were all access and she thanked Seb in her head for getting them.

When she was finally let off the plane she strolled through the airport. Abby and Tom would land half an hour later so she had to entertain herself in that time. People were running in all different kind of directions and others were peacefully enjoying their coffees. She spotted a Ferrari shop and curiosity made her go inside. She knew that Seb wouldn't appreciate it at all if she showed up with Ferrari gear, but it was fun to look at. It reminded her of the Schumacher era and it brought back good memories. Clearly Italy was happy that Ferrari was doing this well, because there were photos of Alonso everywhere and wishing him luck with his title pursuit. She decided to buy a cap that said Forza Alonso, just to piss off Seb and chuckled at the idea of how his face would look if he saw her wearing it.

She was sipping her coffee that she had just bought and enjoyed the hassle of the airport. Sitting in a chair were she could keep an eye on the arrivals she remembered to text Seb. She had promised him to let him know when she had landed.

Keira - Just landed, just waiting for Abby and Tom at the moment. Can't wait to see everything tomorrow!

When she had hit send she thought about what Seb would be doing right now. Maybe he was training with Heikki or he was sightseeing, she didn't know. Something inside her told her to ask him that, but she didn't want to disturb him. Tomorrow was the plan to meet him, so she just had to be patient.

Sebastian - Good to hear. Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow! Just go to the Red Bull garage, I informed Christian that a few friends will come over :)

She smiled when she read his message, he didn't even know Abby or Tom and he called them friends. It would be easier to explain, she agreed and she was sure they would all go along. She was really looking forward to meet the team and she knew she had to keep herself from bugging all the people inside the garage, because she was dying to know more about working for a team like Red Bull. Having an engineering background would make it hard to concentrate only on the racing on track, because she knew how much work had gone into getting the cars there in the first place.

Suddenly she was pulled out of her chair and she looked up shocked to see what was going on. Tom and Abby were standing in front of her beaming in delight.

'We're here,' Tom said unnecessarily while giving Keira a hug.

'I've noticed,' she grinned. 'Flight alright?'

'Yes, no problems at all,' Abby answered. 'If you don't count Tom asking every five minutes why this was suddenly all happening,' she rolled her eyes at Tom and put down her bag.

Keira turned towards Tom and smiled at him. 'You'll never chance, won't you?' she grinned.

'Remind me to never travel with two girls again,' he said in disgruntlement as he hoisted his backpack on his shoulder. 'You two always form a pact,' he sulked.

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