Chapter 36: Job

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Being back home was strange, she had to get used to the silence again, because if there's one thing you'll not get at a Grand Prix it is silence. Even her colleagues were worried about here, because she was more distant than ever. She kept thinking about how much fun the weekend had been and how she enjoyed spending so much time with Seb, although he had been very busy of course. Also to be around other people, engage in conversations, laugh at jokes was something she didn't do much nowadays. She cursed David for turning her into who she was right now and she fought hard to not let him influence her life anymore. She wanted to break free from it all, be the person she wanted to be and not the person other people wanted her to be.

She was searching the internet for pictures of this weekend, so that she would have proof of the memories at least. It was beneficial that there were so many professional photographers in the paddock, because there were loads of good pictures to choose from. She even found some pictures of herself in the Red Bull garage, talking to one of the mechanics. It surprised her how happy she looked, as she normally only saw herself in the mirror. She looked a bit thinner that she remembered, but at least the girl in the photos seemed to enjoy herself. Witch a click of the mouse she saved the pictures and went on to find other pictures which were worth saving. Afterwards she would send them to her friends, she thought they would like that.

When she opened her email her eye fell on a new message she clearly had missed before. It said Red Bull in the address and she was curious what it could be, because she didn't remember signing up for any of their mailing lists. Without thinking much of it she clicked on the email to open it and started to read. After each sentence her eyes got wider and wider and in the end she had put her hand over her mouth, not believing what she was reading. This was too good to be true and she didn't understand why she was given this opportunity. She read the email again and it really said Christian Horner at the bottom of her screen. She hadn't spoken to him this weekend other than Seb introducing her and him wishing her to enjoy the weekend. Then suddenly she put two and two together and she knew who was responsible for this, because who else could it be?

With trembling hands she picked up her phone and dialled his number, she needed to speak to him to see if this was really legit.

'I was waiting for your call,' Seb grinned when he answered his phone.

'What have you done?' was the only think she could think of to yell at her phone.

A chuckle was audible from the other side of the line. 'I think you at least deserved this chance,' he said while trying not to laugh at her disbelief.

'I don't know what I did to deserve this, it's such a huge opportunity,' she said still in awe and she closed the laptop that was standing in front of her on the kitchen table.

'Being awesome,' Seb grinned. 'On a serious note, you seemed so happy when you were in the garage this weekend and you couldn't shut up asking me about the failures on my car. I haven't seen you so happy since, eh, ever I think. That's why I arranged this when I found out this position was opening up.' He clearly was chuffed with himself as he explained his reasons.

'I don't even know how to thank you. I know it's just an interview, but that's the furthest I got so far while searching for a job,' she said gratefully. With her phone still held to her ear she stood up and filled up her glass with water.

'Don't be too worried about that interview, you'll get through that with flying colours.'

Sitting down again and pulling the biscuit tin towards her she sighed. 'I'm not so sure about that, I have zero experience in this field,' she said while putting one of her homemade carrot cake biscuits in her mouth.

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