Chapter 34: Party

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Hey guys :) I'm having some difficulties writing lately, because I'm making such long days during the week, but I will try my hardest to keep my updates as regularly as they are now. I really wanted to write this chapter though, so this one was a lot easier fortunately. I would love to hear what you think of this chapter! :) It's time for some drama!

She was standing in her hotel room and couldn't choose what to wear. Normally she didn't really care, but she wanted to make a good impression on Seb. There were two dresses laying on her bed and in the end she closed her eyes and picked one without looking. Maybe it was a bit childish to choose that way, but she often did this when she was indecisive and it always worked. She decided to wear her hair down tonight and made sure her make-up was alright before she joined the others.

'We'll meet the rest downstairs, right?' Abby asked when Keira entered the living room.

'Yes, that's what Seb said.' She checked her watch and noticed they had to hurry. 'Come on, otherwise they'll leave without us.'

In the lift they discussed the race further and where on earth they were going, as they all never had gone to a party like this before.

'Will there be other drivers?' Tom sounded curious and he checked his hair in the large mirror.

Keira shrugged her shoulders. 'I don't know, Seb didn't say,' she answered. She herself was now thinking about who would all be there. Would it be a private party or were they just going to some club?

When they entered the lobby a large group was already gathered and it looked rather weird to see them all without their Red Bull gear. Normally it was a sea of blue, now there were all different kinds of colours and it made the group look even larger.

'There you are,' Seb pushed himself past a few people and caught up with the trio.

Keira was used to see him in normal clothes, but the others clearly not. Abby had her mouth open and was staring openly at Seb, clearly enjoying what see was seeing. Keira grinned when she noticed her friend and nudged her so that she would close her mouth again. He indeed was looking very handsome tonight, like he always did she thought. His simple style enhanced his features as he was wearing light jeans and a plain white shirt. She noticed that he was wearing his tight pair of jeans again and secretly she hoped he would turn around so that she could see the other side of him. Quickly abandoning that thought she focussed her eyes on his face again. He had even styled his hair today, it still looked messy, but it looked very good on him though. She was glad that he was acting normal again and when she caught his eyes he smiled at her showing his perfect teeth.

'You look beautiful tonight,' he said while his eyes were checking her out.

'You're implying that I look awful the rest of the time?' she grinned and she gave him a playful push against his chest.

He turned a slight pink and his eyes were wide. 'No, you always look beautiful,' he quickly said.

'Just kiss already,' Abby rolled her eyes and pushed herself past the pair and made her way over to the group of mechanics that had just signed her to come over.

Tom was now chuckling and he quickly followed Abby to get himself out of the situation she had created. Abby and him were now both giggling and they gave Keira a thumbs up which Seb couldn't see.

Sometimes she hated her friends and this was definitely one of those times. Seb had turned red and she knew she had done so herself. They both didn't know what to say and an uncomfortable silence fell between them. It still wasn't enough for her not to notice how cute he looked when he felt embarrassed and when he put his hands in his pockets even more.

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